

Бой: 1. Здоровье: 1. Уход: 3.
Раны: 1. Ужас: 0.


Орда кровожадных крыс несётся вперёд, словно волна когтей, зубов и пёстрой шерсти.
Bill Thompson
Базовый набор #159. Крысы #1-3.
Стая крыс


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A card most often seen as encounter filler in an early campaign scenario. On all but the weakest fight value investigators most likely to just consume an action to dispatch, or two if unlucky. At least it has hunter.

Also Often exploited to trigger specific — The_Wall · 286
Also often exploited to trigger specific interactions; for example Roland dragging one over to a high shroud location to splat it for a tough clue. — The_Wall · 286
Very good point that I missed. Never underestimate a guardian dragging a monster in handcuffs or otherwise to where they need it. — DoodleRaccoon · 3
You cannot cuff rats (and most monsters), they are not humanoid. But since they deal only one damage and no horror, the AOO is easy to take, even for Roland. — Susumu · 370