As far as I am concerned, the worst part about this card by far is that Carolyn Fern has no way to take Miss Doyle. It would definitely not be a good deck, but collecting all the kitties would be fun.
As nckjnsn notes in his comment below, one of the great things about this card is it does no damage to allies on a miss. This is fantastic in multiplayer as it totally takes the sting out of swinging and hitting your buddies 2, and saves a lot of "let's Taunt, just to be safe" actions.
Brutally punishing location for Return to Carcosa. It pulls two copies of Visions in Your Mind straight into your hand. It’s likely that you won’t be able to meet the condition on one or both of these, leading to 2 direct damage and 2 direct horror.
Being direct means that soak isn’t possible, so packing along some sort of healing is appealing for this Return To!
Interesting interaction with this card if you are playing a lean Parallel Agnes deck and are likely to cycle your deck more than once in a scenario.
Agnes Bakers weakness, Dark Memory, is a spell event. This card does not specify that the spell event must not be a weakness, and there is nothing in the rules which says a weakness cannot be removed from the game. So, you can play Dark Memory from discard to remove it from the game.
My first impression of this card is it was super expensive both in xp and resources, and it would rarely ever be practical. Sure, it could get you an impressive amount of clues, but generally I prefer to focus on clearing out "Victory" locations, so what's the point in getting a ton of clues if this card is gone and I have to spend the rest of the scenario clearing out Victory locations anyways?
That said, this card can be pretty nuts.
It's a greedy card for greedy players that needs to have a deck built around it and should heavily shift how you're playing, otherwise you're much better spent spending your experience on more consistent, lame, and generally useful cards.
The deck I ran this in focused on mobility and deck cycling, so I'd just scout every location before sitting down and spamming this card over and over. Even in four player this beauty would consistently clean out every clue in the scenario with plenty of time to spare. Just keep in mind there some scenarios where this card falls really flat, having to spend clues to reveal locations is a great way to make this card feel pretty useless.
Probably one of the biggest wastes of xp if you just throw it in and expect it to do something, but if you go all in this can be one beast of a card.