So, basically each time you use George's power, you get +2 in card advantage. Why +2? Well, you draw a card, so that's +1, and you get to not-really-discard the other, for another +1 as long as it's a skill. Or a card you would've assigned. Or any card that you don't need immediately since you can get it back later thanks to Grim Resolve. Now, it's not as good as drawing 2, but it's close enough if you build your deck with loads of skills. A standard investigator power is a bonus action per turn, if you deck is build around it. Drawing 2 is usually better than +1 action. So, as long as you can reliably get it once per turn, it's a quite good investigator power. That is, if you actually get value from discarding.
There are of course a decent amount of cards that allow you to discard productively during your turn. At low xp it's mostly the new set of investigate/fight/evade tools, but later there are also cards like Cornered, Gift of Nodens or Bound for the Horizon, all pretty good cards in their own. So long as you manage to get one of those in play, you can reliably activate George's power most turns, if not every turn.
But of course, having a good power that you can activate almost every turn is good, but George's power is once per phase. So you want to use it more than once per turn. So, how to use it outside of the investigator phase?
At first I thought there were not many great ways. If you overdraw you can use it during the standby phase, but that's not ideal. Idol of Xanatos allows you to discard instead of taking damage/horror, which can happen in the enemy phase or the mythos phase, but that doesn't seem very reliable. Artistic Inspiration is great because it can be reloaded at any phase, but that imply to use it, which you can't always do productively. And Cornered and Gift of Nodens can be used in the mythos phase if there is a test to do. All that is good, don't get me wrong, but it's not as reliable as I'd like. So even with a good setup, you probably won't be able to use his power twice every turn, at least not early in the campaign, or maybe you will have to use it in sub-optimal way (like reloading an Artistic Inspiration that you didn't really need).
And then I realised that George totally can take Forced Learning. Which allow him to use his power every. Single. Standby. Phase. And not just to replace a card that you overdrew, no, no, to replace a card in addition to your draw. With absolutely no setup, and no xp spent.
So, again, each standby phase, you draw two cards, you discard one of them — but not really, it's not discarded, you can still assign it, and then you draw one more card. Basically drawing 3 cards instead of 1 every turn (so long as one of the first two is a skill). In addition to your "main" power, that you can still use pretty much every turn during the investigator phase, and maybe an additionnal time during the mythos phase.
Yeah, yeah, I know, that imply to have a 50 cards deck. Who cares? You draw like 3 to 4 more cards than a normal investigator each turn. It's not a disaster to have 70% more cards in your deck when you have thrice the draw power.