Застёжка из чёрного оникса
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Цена: 1.


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Символы были не арабскими и не китайскими — как я узнал позже, они не принадлежали ни к одному человеческому языку.
Роберт У. Чемберс «Жёлтый знак»
John Pacer
Отголоски прошлого #142. Отголоски прошлого #23.
Застёжка из чёрного оникса


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: Can you discard Clasp of Black Onyx to Corrosion or Realm of Madness if you can't reach the discard threshold with other cards in hand? A: No, in this case, Corrosion would not discard the Clasp, because weaknesses cannot be discarded from your hand except when it is at random. Even if there are no other options for Corrosion to discard, the Clasp would remain in your hand.
Last updated


Pretty sure you can stick this in a Backpack & forget about it!

Sadly, Backpack specifies non-weakness items.

But conveniently, there's still Ever Vigilant and Dr. Elli Horowitz!

Haven't gotten far in Carcosa yet, but seems pretty mild overall. Basically just -1 action if you have nothing else to help.

(Thank you @Zinjanthropus and @Death by Chocolate for comments)

tercicatrix · 15
Backpack specifies ‘non-weakness’, so no. That said, yeah the clasp is pretty minor weakness as I believe it is intended to be. — Death by Chocolate · 1460
Ahh, you're right. Thanks! — tercicatrix · 15
you could grab with Elli Horowitz, I think — Zinjanthropus · 229
I paid 1 resource to put this asset in play. It was then not in my hand. I’m sure that’s wrong but I see no rule against playing an asset…. — Mat156 · 1
That's not wrong, weaknesses almost always have some way for you to get rid of them. In this case you get "rid" of Black Onyx by paying an action and 1 resource. — Killbray · 11773
Actually you lose 1 drawn card, 1 resource and 1 action... — Niko · 48