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Цена: 1.


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Этот нож видел больше насилия, чем многие люди видят за всю свою жизнь.
John Pacer
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Such a weird card.

Please, just ignore the Fight text, it's garbage. if you want a weapon then grab a Knife, it's MUCH better than this thing.

The real reason you grab Trench Knife is that text about engagement. Sadly for Trench Knife, this is nowhere near useful enough to warrant a card and the actions to play and use it. Taunt exists and performs this little niche far-far better.

Tsuruki23 · 2559
If there was an upgrade that added +1 damage per enemy, that would be playable. — Django · 5115
+1 per enemy would probably be OP, but ‘deals X instead of normal damage (Max 3)’ would be really intriguing, in my opinion. — Death by Chocolate · 1487
That would also be very OP. You shouldn't be able to do 3 damage with a knife attack. — Sassenach · 179
Why would that be OP? It’s conditional, so it only works when engaged with 3 or more enemies. If it’s a fluff concern, you can already deal 3+ damage with knives due to skills. In a 1v1 it’s still a +1 no bonus damage weapon. — Death by Chocolate · 1487
I agree, it’s rare to be engaged with that many enemies. — StyxTBeuford · 13029
It's a level 0, 1 cost asset. It ought to be weak. — Sassenach · 179
@Sassenach We’re talking about a hypothetical upgrade (lvl 2 or 3 probably), not the level 0 card. — Death by Chocolate · 1487
Ah, fair enough then. I suspect that ship has sailed though, since Return to Carcosa is already out. — Sassenach · 179
We’ve seen cards have upgrades/downgrades across expansions, such as Shortcut. — Death by Chocolate · 1487
I'd love to see an XP version of this card that exhausted to let you engage an enemy without spending an action. — CaiusDrewart · 3191
Agree to see "engage an enemy without spending an action" too. — AquaDrehz · 198

Why don't they taboo this or errata this to also do: "+1 Damage against enemies so long as 2 or more enemies are engaged with you." ?

Then this would effectively be like an opposite Machete and would play beautifully with it, helping overcome the weaknesses of Machete losing it's ability to do damage when engaged with more than 1 enemy and having its own strengths, either by itself or as a pair? Thoughts ArkhamDB community?

Quantallar · 8
Seems like a nice idea, especially if you drag a chained cultist alongside you,I am not sure that it would make it good, but at least usable. — Svyatoslav28 · 37

One under-appreciated aspect of this card is that it gives you some seriously good bonus against swarming enemies in the Dream-Eaters campaign, so it can work as a very cheap off-hand weapon alongside your primary extra-damage weapon.

snacc · 1008
I wouldn’t say it’s under appreciated. Most swarming enemies have very low combat values such that it’s better (as is always the case) to simply lay down the damage with something that hits harder and move on in a speedy fashion. — LaRoix · 1645

Investigators who have problem with resources can make a use of it in a multiplayer game. Roland or Harrigan can put it in a 0 xp deck when they start a campaign. Τhe thing is that you dont want to be overwhelmed by enemies so usually the maximum will be +1+2 for the attack. Don't get me wrong but you want to deal with the enemy as fast as you so the Knife from core is better option than this one with the discard option.

This card might warrant an include in a Zoey deck. — FractalMind · 44
Personally, I don't like this card. For a 0XP defender deck, I prioritize weapons that give you additional damage. Killing monsters too slowly can lead to you being overwhelmed. Hence, I tend to favor the .32 Colt, .45 Automatic, and the Machete. — EdgeSeeker · 7
This card is not useful because <a href="/card/01086" data-hasqtip="0">knife</a> is more useful with damage boost for discarding. <div> This item should be boosted when stay in engaging or triggering action.<div> (From weakest to strongest upgrade) <ol> <li> -1 Fight to enemy when trigger fight <li> -2 Fight to enemy when trigger fight <li> +1 Damage when engaged enemy (once per round) <li> +2 Fight per engaged enemy <li> +1 Damage for each enemy engaged this round <li> +1 Damage for engaging enemy <ol/> — AquaDrehz · 198
I hate that I can't delete comment or review... — AquaDrehz · 198
It's thematically frustrating that a) Mark can't take this (he was literally in the trenches!), and b) it doesn't do the same +1 damage as Knuckledusters when it's visually the same weapon but with a *knife* on the end. That aside, it's only the cost that seems attractive - I don't really get how engaging lots and lots of enemies is helpful, particularly as you'll then have no actions left to attack them with. Unless of course you plan to "See them in hell"...? — mythosmeeple · 455
Ignore previous comment - not sure why I thought Mark can't take it. Still, not an attractive weapon. — mythosmeeple · 455
Multiplayer Zoe can take it for the ability. With Fire Axe in second hand she can manage a sequence of atacks and engagenets to save some of her engagement resouces. — theczarek · 2