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Получите 3 ресурса и возьмите 1 карту. Удалите «Припасы Такады» из игры.

Такада оставила немного припасов. Возможно, они вам пригодятся.
Vincent Dutrait
На краю земли. Кампания #237. Память об ушедших #8.
Припасы Такады


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Such a sexy card to put on Stick to the Plan for Guardians. It's even a differently titled Emergency Cache haha letting you attach both. Also pretty good with Backpack which is a very common staple.

This is definitely going to be a card I'll strive to find during Edge.

chirubime · 27590
The downside: to get this, Takada has to be dead. Which can happen as soon as the initial plane crash. In which case, it might be a good pick to face her mirage. But I would not deliberately kill her of, just to get hands on her stuff. Her as an ally is also really great, in particular for a guardian. — Susumu · 368