Маска лисы
Мудрый плут


Вещь. Оберег. Маска.

Цена: 1.


Не более 1 карты маски на сыщика.

Многоразовая (2 подношения). Восполняйте 1 из этих подношений, после того как переместились из локации с врагом.

Потратьте 1 подношение: У вас +2 или +2 в этой проверке. (Не чаще 1 раза за проверку.)

Rob Laskey
Пир в Хемлок-Вейл. Сыщики #67.
Маска лисы


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: I have a question regarding the Fox Mask. It replenishes an offering after moving out of a location with an enemy. Does this trigger when moving with an engaged enemy? Or does the enemy leaving the location with me not fulfill the Fox Mask condition? A: No; to replenish an offering on Fox Mask, there needs to be an enemy in the location you moved out of. An enemy moving with you would not allow you to replenish an offering. (Rules Forum Answer, March 2025)
Last updated


If you move with such enemy (ex. if you are engaged with it), do you also get the offering?

This is a great niche card, +2 for is useful in many situations, but specially when you can abuse its replenish trigger ^.^

soymauro · 2
I am certain you no longer "move out of a location with an enemy" if you take said enemy with you, unless there is another enemy at that location. — AlderSign · 314
In an email they specify an engaged enemy will move with you. Unless there's an additional enemy at the location you left you will not get a charge by simply moving with an enemy engaged with you. — gw1108 · 20
@AlderSign/ @gw1108 : Do y'all have any intel on whether moving out of a location with two enemies (leaving them both behind) would count as two distinct procs? I could see it either way since you move out of the location once, but the end should maybe have been "a location with any enemies" if that was the intention — Malcoto · 4
@malcoto. No official Intel. But it should just be once. Because the trigger is the location, not the number of enemies. An enemy is present, so yes you get 1 charge. 3 enemies? Well, there is an enemy there. — Rolandironfist · 37
@Malcoto: Actually, I don't think it can get any more official than the first glossary entry: https://arkhamdb.com/rules#A_An — AlderSign · 314