
Тактика. Экспромт.

Цена: 2.


Выберите актив-оружие или инструмент в своём сбросе. Разыграйте свойство с того актива, игнорируя его цены.

После розыгрыша этого эффекта замешайте выбранный актив в свою колоду. Розыгрыш этой карты не вызывает внеочередных атак.

Lin Hsiang
Пир в Хемлок-Вейл. Сыщики #113.
На пределе


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: How does Pushed to the Limit interact with Fire Extinguisher (3) that's in my discard pile if I choose to exile Fire Extinguisher instead of discarding it? A: Since Pushed to the Limit ignores all costs of resolving the ability on Fire Extinguisher, you would resolve the ability without paying the “cost” of exiling Fire Extinguisher, instead shuffling it back into your deck after evading. This has been overruled by the Official FAQ v2.3, section 2.24, which changes what it means to "ignore all costs" and explicitly states: "Additionally, Pushed to the Limit does not allow an investigator to waive the cost of exiling Fire Extinguisher when resolving its second ability." (March 2024)
Last updated


Obviously a good finisher with Sledgehammer, maybe even with the second copy already in play. William Yorick can utilize a boss stomper power turn with this card and the extra action from either Galvanize or Police Badge.

Overall, I thought this would be a great recursion card and tried it in my Bob Jenkins item deck, but I found that I want my items going from hand to play area to discard pile (and on and on and on), not into my deck, so it felt odd and eventually went out.

AlderSign · 314
Discard upgraded gravedigger shovel for a clue, then use this to get two clues, and sort shovel back into deck. — interneterik · 1