Актив. Hand

Item. Weapon. Tool. Melee.

Цена: 3.


Exhaust Crowbar: Investigate. This investigation attempt uses instead of .

Exhaust Crowbar: Fight. You get +2 for this attack.

Pixoloid Studios
The Drowned City Investigator Expansion #21.
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Very interesting card that will definitely find use somewhere. At the time of release this is only the second card that lets you investigate with (the other being a telescanner upgraded Hyperphysical Shotcaster ) and unlike the shotcaster, it's level 0.

Crowbar does only grab one clue, so it's not Scene of the Crime; but it's another way that the fighter can help get clues when there aren't enemies on the field, and if you're completely solo, one clue is usually enough anyway.

I think Mark Harrigan probably benefits the most, getting +3 skill for the test compared to using Although he may want a Bandolier later in the campaign so he can still wield a 2-handed weapon.

jericho · 654
Since it's a tool you can use tinker on it to free your hands too — Tharzax · 1
You missed mention of Tool Belt, which would be my preference as it costs the same as Bandolier but isn't susceptible to specific treacheries such as Polar Vortex. Agree Mark is a good user, but Daniella can use this very well too. Lily I would say is usually better off using spells to investigate, and Nate loves Boxing Gloves too much. — HungryColquhoun · 8324
Tool Belt is an option if your 2-handed weapon is a tool yeah, but Mark usually doesn't get built with tools, which is why I didn't mention it. Tinker is a great call too. — jericho · 654
I'm now thinking about fine tuning, but as a 1xp seeker card the investigators who can take it have better options. — Tharzax · 1
@jericho I would say Tool Belt is still useful even if you're not using a tool weapon, as then you can run two Crow Bars in tandem (though you can also do that with lvl 0 Bandolier if using a one-handed weapon, but as mentioned it is susceptible to some treacheries). For me two Crowbars is the way to go, I'd rather just run different coverage for clues if just running one for one clue per turn (if that, as it doesn't come with innate boosts and if you draw auto-fail or a large negative that's your single test over with). Wolf Mask is a good combo card to this for this reason I'd say. — HungryColquhoun · 8324
Just another comment to add Occult Reliquary can also be a solution to this problem, depending there's a blessed or cursed item you want in your hands in addition to your Crowbars. — HungryColquhoun · 8324