Q: There does not appear to be a way to enter the new Wine Cellar location. It connects to Victorian Halls, but no location connects to it. Is this intentional? A: Thank you for bringing this to our attention; we will have to issue an erratum for Wine Cellar. The intention was that Wine Cellar is connected to Victorian Halls and vice versa.
NB: ArkhamDB now incorporates errata from the Arkham Horror FAQ in its card text, so the ArkhamDB text and the card image above differ, as the ArkhamDB text has been edited to contain this erratum (updated January 2022): Erratum: This card’s ability should read: "Victorian Halls is connected to Wine Cellar, and vice versa." - FAQ, v.2.1, August 2023
Винный погреб - Оборот
«Викторианский холл» связан с «Винным погребом».
В погреб Джозефа Майгера ведёт длинная тёмная лестница. Если будете осторожны, возможно, вам удастся взглянуть на то, что он там прячет…
Неясность: 5. Улики: 1.
«Викторианский холл» связан с «Винным погребом».
: Вы нарушаете царящую здесь тишину в поисках улик. Сбрасывайте карты с верха колоды контактов, пока не сбросите врага-монстра. Отложите того враг в сторону, вне игры. Затем получите 2 улики (из запаса). (Не чаще 1 раза за игру на всех.)
Нарушенный круг. Возвращение #27. На пороге смерти. Возвращение #4.

Похожие карты
- Винный погреб (Нарушенный круг. Возвращение #28)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
Last updated
Pretty hard to get to a cellar that isn't connected to the building in any way!
This location supposedly has a misprint. There is no way to get to it.
It looks like it was intended to connect to Victorian Halls so we played it as such.
Feels like this card is missing "Victorian Halls is connect to Wine Cellar" so we played it as such too. Kind of amusing to think that Luke can still get there right?
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