
Дух. Тактика.

Цена: 0. Опыт: 2.


Быстрое. Играйте, когда вас атакует враг (прежде чем разыграть эту его атаку).

Бой. Эта атака проводится против атакующего вас врага. У вас +2 и вы наносите +1 рану в этой атаке.

Patrick McEvoy
Натаниэль Чо #22.


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This is much more of a standalone card than Counterpunch.

The fact that this card happens before the triggering attack means that you can use it to walk through weak enemies (and kill them in your stride) or safely engage and beat tough 5+ health foes (Say there's a 6-health enemy 1 location away, to kill it you need to hit it 3 times with your machete, but you only get 2 actions to attack it, this card will cover you for that last attack).

For a character that needs to play it safe, you can see this as more of a Dodge upgrade than Counterpunch upgrade, which might be good for deckbuilding reasons.

Tsuruki23 · 2521
Note that both versions of counterpunch trigger retaliate if you fail, as the enemy is not yet exhausted from it's attack in enemy phase. — Django · 5070
You can play it during enemy phase when they attack you. — KillyoxArkham · 1