Norman's got a Plan (FA 2019)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

sharingiscaring · 1

Super-reliable Norman played on hard with 5 players in Forgotten Age.

For those uninitiated, Norman's character ability is a combination of econ (cards played cost 1 less) and draw (playing a card from the top of your deck saves you from having to draw it). This feels really good, generally.

The downside is, while you don't have to actually draw your weaknesses, you get them early. Consider this game beginning

  1. Draw hand
  2. Mulligan
  3. Revealed Amnesia as the top card of deck
  4. I began first turn of the game with a 1 card hand

The best part? It doesn't even matter - all you need is Sixth Sense, and if you don't have it Mr. "Rook" can get it for you disturbingly fast.

Of course, this is crushingly bad in solo. Especially since you can just top-deck Vengeful Hound in this way and almost be guaranteed to fail the scenario because of it.

The deck transitions nicely from "mostly seeker" to "mostly Mystic" and just gets better at what it does the entire time. Would recommend highly.