Agnes and the Zealot

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Bill Boquet · 1

This the deck I used when I first attend "The night of the Zealot". I partner up with Roland Banks.

This notes contain spoilers on the "Night of the Zealot" case.

Chapter 1 : The Gathering

We gathered at Roland's house. We managed to escape the Study and defeat the Ghoul Priest. Sadly, in the fight, Roland couldn't handle all the horrors he saw and passed out. When he woke up, Lita Chantler suggested burning down the house, but Roland refuse. She then ran away, screaming about an "atrocious calamity".

First modification : 6 XP

  • [Blinding Light](/card/01069) replaced [Holy Rosary](/card/01059) 2 XP
  • [Mind Wipe](/card/01068) replaced [Scavenging](/card/01073) 1 XP
  • [Book of Shadows](/card/01070) replaced [Survival Instinct](/card/01081) 3 XP

Chapter 2 : The Midnight Masks

After listening to Lita, we began our search for cultists. We defeated the [The Masked Hunter](/card/01121b) and ["Wolf-Man" Drew](/card/01137). We bribed [Victoria Devereux](/card/01140) and escape with [Ruth Turner](/card/01141). Sadly, two cultists ran away.

Second Modification : 6 XP

  • [Grotesque Statue](/card/01071) replaced [Stray Cat](/card/01076) 4 XP
  • [Lucky!](/card/01084) replaced [Cunning Distraction](/card/01078) 2 XP

Chapter 3 : The Devourer Below

After exploring the forest, we found the Ritual Site. After dynamiting the last cultists, we broke appart the circle just before the awakening of Umôrdhoth.