Diana Stanley - Solo Return to the Night of the Zealot run

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Diana Stanley - Solo Return to the Night of the Zealot run 2 2 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Diana Stanley - Solo Return to the Night of the Zealot run 0 0 1 1.0

unremb · 251

Return to the Night of the Zealot solo-run:
Went about as well as it possibly could.
On hindsight I probably should have cancelled the Obscuring Fog in turn 11, though it wouldn't have made a difference considering I drew Hunting Nightgaunt twice in a row late game.
"I've Had Worse..." was amazing - solved all my economy issues.
Early game Four of Cups was also important to get to a decent level.

Part 2: The Midnight Masks ( Standard difficulty )
Scenario Spoilers warning

Game Begins: put Four of Cups in play
Turn 1:
Play Shrivelling
Investigate ( 3 vs 1 shroud ) Dark Prophecy Diana's ability ( : success )
to Southside

Turn 2:
Encounter: False Lead ( 3 vs 4 ) ( : fail - drop clue on Southside )
Search Deck for Lita Chantler
Play Lita Chantler
Investigate ( 3 vs 2 shroud ) ( : success )

Turn 3:
Encounter: Discipline of the Devourer (spawn at Downtown; drop clue on Southside)
Investigate ( 3 vs 2 shroud ) ( 0 : success )
Investigate ( 3 vs 2 shroud ) ( : success )
Spend 2 clues: Spawn Alma Hill
Enemy phase: Alma attacks for 2 horror "I've had worse..." Diana's ability

Turn 4:
Encounter: Masked Horrors Ward of Protection Diana's ability
Fight Alma Hill ( commit Take the Initiative ) ( 7 vs 3 ) ( : success - 1 damage; 1 doom on Alma Hill )
Shrivelling on Alma Hill (commit Steadfast )( 8 vs 3 ) ( : success - Kill Alma Hill; take 1 horror )
Play Twilight Blade

Turn 5:
Encounter: Mask of Umordhoth Ward of Protection Diana's ability
to Miskatonic University
Drawn to the Flame
Encounter: Disciple of the Devourer (doom)
Spend 2 clues: Spawn Jeremiah Pierce

Turn 6: Advance Agenda: Spawn Narogath
Encounter: False Lead (surge) - Hunting Shadow Dark Insight Diana's ability
Twilight Blade on Narogath ( 7 vs 3 ) ( -3 : success - deal 2 damage )
Twilight Blade on Narogath ( 7 vs 3 ) ( -1 : success - deal 2 damage )
Shrivelling on Narogath ( 7 vs 3 ) ( -1 : success - deal 3 damage Kill Narogath )

Turn 7:
Encounter: Crypt Chill (commit Arcane Initiate) ( 8 vs 4 ) ( : success )
to Rivertown Parley with Jeremiah Pierce ( commit Guts ) ( 9 vs 4 ) ( -1 : success )
to Graveyard ( 7 vs 3 ) ( -3 : success )

Turn 8:
Encounter: Mask of Umordhoth Ward of Protection with Twilight Blade
Investigate ( 3 vs 1 shroud ) ( -2 : success )
Investigate ( 3 vs 1 shroud ) ( : success - 1 doom on Disciple of the Devourer )
Spend 2 clues - spawn Peter Warren

Turn 9:
Encounter: Locked Door ( attach to Rivertown )
to Miskatonic University
Premonition ( -1 )
Fight Peter Warren ( 3 vs 2 ) ( -1 : success )
Enemy phase: Peter Warren attacks for 1 damage

Turn 10:
Encounter: Hunting Shadow "I've had worse..." Diana's ability
Shrivelling on Peter Warren ( 7 vs 2 ) ( : success - Kill Peter Warren )
to Northside
Spend 5 resources: get 2 clues

Turn 11:
Encounter: Obscuring Fog
Spend 2 clues: Spawn Billy Cooper
to Downtown
Twilight Blade on Disciple of the Devourer ( 7 vs 3 ) ( : 1 damage; 1 doom on Disciple of the Devourer - Kill Disciple of the Devourer )

Turn 12:
Encounter: Obscuring Fog
to Easttown
Storm of Spirits Dark Prophecy with Twilight Blade ( commit Arcane Initiate ) ( 7 vs 3 ) ( : success - Deal 2 damage to each enemy; Kill Disciple of the Devourer ) Eldritch Inspiration Diana's ability
Premonition ( 0 )
Shrivelling on Billy Cooper ( 7 vs 5 ) ( 0 : success )

Turn 13:
Encounter: Hunting Nightgaunt
Twilight Blade on Nightgaunt ( 7 vs 3 ) ( : success - Deal 2 damage )
Twilight Blade on Nightgaunt ( 7 vs 3 ) ( : success - Deal 2 damage - Kill Hunting Nightgaunt )
Delve Too Deep
Encounter: Crypt Chill ( : discard Lita Chantler )

Turn 14:
Encounter: Hunting Nightgaunt

Scenario Ends: ( R1 : 9VP )
Cultists who got away: Ruth Turner