Agnes Takes Arkham

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

marthvader · 43

With so many packs since Agnes first came out, there are many more cards to consider, and there are only a few slots that one can even change before reaching 30 cards. Agnes has her standard suite of must play cards, but what are the best ways to fill her out?

What intrigues me most now is her investigate options - she now has access to Drawn to the Flame, Read the Signs, Rite of Seeking, Sixth Sense, and "Look what I found!". That’s a ton of good options, and I usually want about 5-6 clue cards for her, as her 2 intellect rarely gets anything.

Read the Signs is really interesting because it’s a spell and can be found with Arcane Initiate. I’ve been going against the grain lately leaving out the Initiate from my lists, as I just don’t feel it’s been reliable enough to hit, and Peter is just such a good ally to have around especially when upgraded, but Read the signs may sway me back to putting initiate in, but this is where I’m at for now.

I really like having Painkillers for extra damage healing and dealing since I haven’t been playing Leather Coat, but it could be that with Meat Cleaver that you don’t need Painkillers anymore.

Agnes is still my favorite investigator to date, and she continues to get fantastic mystic cards to consider. You can go all in on doom accumulation and removal, or build a less risky approach like the one I’ve leaned toward. She really does need to have Shrivelling if she wants to do anything though, and sometimes you end up taking the roll of a seeker instead of a monster killer if you get unlucky with your mulligans. But I’ve been happy with how this build has been running lately.

What are your thoughts on Arcane Initiate, and Read the Signs? Let me know in the comments!

Also, is it crazy that I want to cut 1 Fight or Flight?