Patrice Hathaway Gone Wild

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dagorha · 611

This was the deck i took into Dream Eaters (Dream Quest). It was partnered with Tony and we managed to kill every XP enemy and get clues off every location.

Its about as efficent as a any deck i've ever made. The main strategy is to abuse Wild Icons and Spells to pass most if not all tests. It also has a ton of clue acceleration and can evade enemies pretty well too.

I also didn't even use Drawing Thin the first time through so for the Taboo compliant, you can axe it without worrying about diminishing its power.

Other then that, my initial upgrades were RoS lv2, Cornered, Miss Doyle, and Relic Hunter taking out Trial by Fire and 1 copy of Quantum Flux,