Minh Thi Phan support deluxe

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

frapet · 121

Hi First deck write-up so sorry for the lack of formatting:

The Idea of the Deck As the title implies the deck is geared towards supporting fellow investigators through the use of skill cards as well as herself. With this her own actions will nigh always go towards moving or cluevering, with a few solutions for specific situation.

The Engine Between Laboratory Assistant, Dream-Enhancing Serum combined with a lot of 2-offs, Guts. Overpower, Perception and ofcourse Analytical Mind, Minh can draw a ton of cards that can be used in a plethora of situations. The added hand size given by the first two of the above allows Minh to hold them in hand till needed and actually turns on a few conditional abilities.

Clearing Clues A trap I felt Minh could fall into is a full focus on support. Making her into a mediocre cleuver for smaller teams. With Fingerprint Kit and Deduction the speed with which clues can be hoovered up goes up quickly. Especially since the last is recurrable through Practice Makes Perfect and the first by simply going through the deck and replacing the slot. True Understanding is a bit of a trail run. But with the flexibility that Analytical Mind can provide it will generally result in several " easy" clues.

Doubling Down To double down on the support aspect Grisly Totem just synergizes too well, giving another wild icon every turn. Crack the Case is simply a fantastic money engine for the entire team if needed.

A Glimpse of the Future Dream Diary is in there couse the upgraded "X cards in hand" version is just perfect for this deck. A free 4/5 skill card is amazing!