Mandy Thompson Investigates

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Highwire · 32

Upgrade Path:-

CORE - 8XP Segment of Onyx x3 (1xp) = -2 Tooth of Eztli, -1 Emergency Cache Easy Mark (1xp) x3 = -1 Emergency Cache, -2 Think On Your Feet Three Aces (1xp) x3 = -2 Hatchet Man, -1 Preposterous Sketches Surprising Find (1xp) x3 = -1 Preposterous Sketches, -2 Slip Away Lucid Dreaming (2xp) x1 = -1 Magnifying Glass Lucid Dreaming (2xp) x1 = -1 Magnifying Glass

LUXURY - 5XP Pnakotic Manuscripts (5xp) x1 = -1 Backpack

UPGRADES - 15XP Studious (3xp) Deduction II (2xp) - Upgrade Deduction II (2xp) - Upgrade Old Book of Lore (3xp) - Upgrade No Stone Unturned V (5xp) - Upgrade