Rex's Law

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

unitled · 2234

So, this is the deck I drafted for testing with Rex when Dunwich is out.

The idea was to make a Clue hunter who could go off by themselves and not need constant support from a tank or combat character. I could also combine Rex's ability with Burglary to increase my efficiency; Rex is picking up everything not nailed down to see how it fits into the story he's about to break!

When trouble inevitably arrives, Rex can dodge out of the way with Elusive and Think on Your Feet. Elusive works as well as anything just for table-hopping moves. I can also be tempted with Dodge over Think on Your Feet; you will certainly be triggering the conditions on Dodge more often than Think on Your Feet!

The core engine here is Dr Milan, Magnifying Glass, and Burglary. With this set up, Rex can easily have a turn which is gain 6 bucks and discover 5 clues, followed up by a card and a buck in his upkeep.

Obviously getting this together isn't easy, so I would advise an aggressive mulligan for the combo pieces and the use of OBoL to filter through your deck too. Cryptic Research is a great card to include on a level up for this reason.

With all this money, I feel Rex is an Investigator I feel comfortable using the stat-boosting talent with. Hyperawareness boosts his Intellect in case you need a hand busting an Obscuring Fog or similar, and lets you dump money into Evade if you're in a sticky situation and have run out of other tricks.

On levelling, as mentioned, I think Cryptic Research is a good call. Upgraded Magnifying Glass is not a terrible use of 1xp (and means you can do the golden opening turn of Milan, Burglary, Glass, Burgle!). Barricade is nice to keep around for the icons, but could easily be cut along with Mind over Matter; the latter more than any other card has a tendency to sit in my hand, not contributing.

Finally, be wary of Rex's Curse. It seems innocuous but it WILL turn up at exactly the wrong moment and half your chance of success on a crucial action! Poor Rex can't even get a coffee without it showing up with a dead fly in it...


Jan 14, 2017 zozo · 2932

In a pre-Dunwich age, one troubling question was Deduction or Working a Hunch. Rex is investigation-focused enough to want to run both, but I wonder if that's where there's space for experimentation, if at all. If this deck wanted a shot solo, it would need some sort of weapon, and maybe Unexpected Courage, and dropping the Hunches could make that space.

BUT but but: it's not a solo deck. It's pure, golden goodness. So what about dropping the Hunches for.... Strange Solution??? (Or are you forcing another player to run that card...?)

One further thought, perhaps on the more serious side: is it worth dropping 1 Elusive for 1 x Physical Training - if Rex is indeed swimming in cash, shoring up his and is no bad thing, particularly if he finds himself in a scrape...?

Jan 14, 2017 unitled · 2234

To be honest, I haven't thought a great deal about how viable this would be solo. I think there's probably something there, but not having a great deal of solo experience my gut feel is you need at least SOME combat answers to threats. With very little in-faction combat help, and a base combat of 2, I think Rex is going to be stuck searching for clues or making money for now.

Alternatively, if you want to go full jank, you can follow the Scavenging build suggested in the Delve Too Deep article on Rex and go for chain knife throwing! That could certainly be a fun build, though potentially fragile until set up.

Strange Solution is an interesting comment mind... I've actually revised my build to include 2 of those over Mind over Matter! I'm not generally happy to see MoM really, so I can stick the Strange Solution in there until I've found the answer, then swap them out for Cryptic Research or similar.

I'll certainly experiment some more, and if he's consistent enough at making cash I'll take a look at Physical Training. Maybe a spell-casting hybrid build could work if you look at Arcane Studies?

Jan 15, 2017 zozo · 2932

One thing I learnt from solo play with superurchin is how even a knife can make a difference for combat. Sure, you don't want to lean into it, but... 2 is better than 1! Anyway, that's by the by, and you identify a very salient point, namely: as a faction has very few combat-oriented cards.

I like your strange solution solution - definitely it's not a must-include, but someone like Rex can plausibly deal with it swiftly and then it provides the first easy-replace for xp.

As for spell-casting Rex, well, you'd definitely need to rejig your off-class options but sure, that would be a way of avoiding his combat stat entirely. 2 x Shrivelling, 1 or 2 x Arcane Studies, 1 or 2 x Burglary??

Jan 15, 2017 unitled · 2234

That might be a nice build if you were going solo. Though certainly a shame to lose the Elusive I think?

Time for some playtesting I think...

Feb 11, 2017 bullettrang · 13

How did this deck ended up working out? Any changes?

Feb 12, 2017 unitled · 2234

When i finally played I went with this I went with Dodge instead on TOYF and Strange Solution over Mind over Matter. It went pretty well though the curse continues to pop up at the worse times! Playing again when Miskatonic U comes out. I'll put up an updated list soon enough!