Daisy Walker - 2 Core - Lady of the Scrolls

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Siathryn · 162

Daisy wants all the books....all of them. She is a clue gather, that is her main job. But I didn't want to leave her too vulnerable to possible enemies so I went a little offensive with giving her Shrivelling as an attack and Blinding as evasion.

In this version, I would use Scrying more on Daisy's deck rather than the Encounter deck as you really want to find certain cards fast.

For your opening hand, you honestly might want to hard mulligan to try and find Daisy's Tote Bag (especially if you grab Encyclopedia).

Possible Upgrades:

Cryptic Research (4xp) - You want to find Daisy's Tote Bag and her Tomes early. This will help as there's not a lot of card draw in her deck.

Encyclopedia (2xp) - Boost any skill? For any Investigator at your location? Yes please.

Magnifying Glass (1xp) - It's free, fast, and returns itself to your hand when you don't need it freeing up a Hand Slot.

Blinding Light (2xp) - To help increase your chances when Evading and it can deal a little damage back.