Dexter Drake as Jason Asano

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Prinny_wizzard · 251

This deck is entirely for fun, modelled after the powers and personality of Jason Asano of the webnovel 'He Who Fights With Monsters', and is not necessarily intended as a serious deck. This is why there are so many one-ofs, and very few Curse-generating cards considering the inclusion of Curse-focused cards.

A brief overview of each of Jason's powers, and my choices (spoilers below for his final powerset, so be warned):

Power - Midnight Eyes
Effect - Essentially darkvision - can see in even total darkness.
Selected card - Sixth Sense
Reasoning - This should be self-explanatory - it isn't a literal sixth sense, but it is a far more enhanced version of a regular sense that still fits the theme of the card.

Power - Cloak of Night
Effect - Can summon a cloak of shadow, which can also be used to reduce the user's weight
Selected card - Robe of Endless Night and Shroud of Shadows
Reasoning - Both fit the theme pretty perfectly.

Power - Path of Shadows
Effect - Can instantly teleport between two shadows, including the Cloak
Selected card - Open Gate
Reasoning: Open Gate fits repeated teleportation perfectly, compared to Astral Travel's or Elusive's one-and-done effect.

Power - Shadow of the Reaper
Effect - Summons a familiar (a shadowy figure named Shade)
Selected card - The Red-Gloved Man
Reasoning - Shade has the manner of a highly refined gentleman's gentleman, and is highly useful for Jason - whether as a distraction, another shadow to jump to with his teleportation powers, or for spying/eavesdropping. Hence the highly capable Red-Gloved Man.

Power - Hand of the Reaper
Effect - Summons an extra arm made of shadow; any attacks made with this arm inflicts a status effect
Selected card - Sign Magick
Reasoning - This wasn't an easy choice, unlike those that came before. Ultimately I decided I could best represent the extra arm for attacks by granting 'Jason' an extra arcane slot, where most of his 'weapons' will sit

Power - Blood Harvest
Effect - Drains life, magic and stamina from recently deceased bodies
Selected card - Decorated Skull
Reasoning - Jason's ability benefits from dead enemies; Decorated Skull does as well; this seemed a logical pairing.

Power - Leech Bite
Effect - Inflicts Bleeding on the target (which absorbs a certain amount of healing) and also drains a little health
Selected card - Spectral Razor or Sneak Attack
Reasoning - This power probably gave me the most trouble. I couldn't think of anything that would represent Leech Bite. The best I could come up with was a card that could be used in similar situations - a combat opener, or a sneak attack.

Power - Feast of Blood
Effect - Drains lifeforce from a victim with the Bleeding affliction
Selected card - Prescient
Reasoning As with Leech Bite, this was hard to designate. Ultimately I decided that the recovery effect could best be represented by a card that could recover a used Spell, and could be committed to most of 'Jason's' attacks - if the chaos bag allows it.

Power - Sanguine Horror
Effect - Summons a familiar, an Apocalypse Beast that is essentially a giant pile of leeches... at first
Selected card - Summoned Hound
Reasoning - Summoned Hound was the most logical choice for a familiar, but I wasnt sure which. Colin is the most fitting familar with a personality that could turn on Jason - if only to give him an unauthorised nibble, rather than actually try to kill him. Blood Pact is also relevant, as it's pretty much how the Sanguine Horror is summoned to begin with.

Power - Hemorrhage
Effect - Inflicts Bleeding and Sacrificial Victim, making all Bleeding effects more effective
Selected card - Wither lv 4
Reasoning - Wither, and in particular Wither level 4, is an attack that can kill an enemy, but is at least as focused on simply weakening that enemy for other attacks to finish it off. Something similar is true for Hemorrhage - it could kill by itsel, but it's far better when used with other attacks.

Power - Punish
Effect - Special attack that inflicts Necrotic damage
Selected card - Shriveling
Reasoning - This seemed the most relevant attack spell for necrotic damage.

Power - Feast of Absolution
Effect - Cleanses a target of afflictions - though not damage - and heals the user
Selected card - Torrent of Power
Reasoning - This is a bit of a funky choice, but the logic is - each charge spent is one less attack 'Jason' can make, to help him in the moment. That's rather opposite to FoA... but is the best I can think of.

Power - Sin Eater
Effect - Passively grants a resistance to afflictions, getting stronger for each affliction resisted
Selected card - Deny Existence lv 5
Reasoning - Deny Existence, Ward of Protection and Ward of Radiance all offer 'resistance' to various effects, though only Deny Existence 5 can leave you stronger than before with its effect.

Power - Hegemony
Effect - An aura power, which inherently grants the user the ability to control their aura. This one specifically makes all enemies in its AOE more weak to afflictions, and all allies more resistant.
Selected card - Tennessee Sour Mash
Reasoning - I know what you're thinking - 'booze is hardly an aura-related power you fool! :O'. My logic is that TSM offers both a boost to resistance - the willpower boost - and to damaging enemies - its discard action.

Power - Castigate
Effect - Inflicts a small amount of transcendent damage, branding the target, and inflicts Sin (which increases all necrotic damage received)
Selected card - Blinding Light
Reasoning - Out of all the options, this seemed the most relevant to what can easily be represented - the branding and small amount of damage inflicted upon use. Especially as transcendent damage is usually represented as blue/silver/gold light striking the target.

Power - Inexorable Doom
Effect - Applies a curse that repeatedly duplicates any afflictions the target is suffering from
Selected card - Eldritch Inspiration
Reasoning - This was a fairly logical choice, as a card that allows you to double-up on an attack (... even if that can only affect Wither with the doubling-up.)

Power - Punition
Effect - inflicts a small amount of necrotic damage for every affliction the target is suffering
Selected card - Momentum
Reasoning - Though Momentum can't inflict damage, it does 'soften up' the target for a followup blow - or whatever other test you're going to make. It's the closest I could come, again.

Power - Blade of Doom
Effect - Summons an enchanted weapon
Selected card - Enchanted Blade lv 3
Reasoning - Enchanted Blade was a gimme here - though I would've happily changed that to Blessed Blade and Hungering Blade, if Dexter had regular Guardian access, for reasons relevant to the power.

Power - Verdict
Effect - Inflicts transcendent damage, with the damage increasing exponentially the lower the target's health. Therefore it's generally used as a finisher, or you could say, the...
Selected card - Coup de Graçe
Reasoning - As in the description - this tends to be the final blow, so even though CDG only inflicts one damage it seems to fit nicely... and I'm sticking to that logic :R

Power - Avatar of Doom
Effect - Summons a familar, a semi-corporeal being that essentially looks like a galaxy cluster with a cloak. And laser-beam orbs.
Selected card - Eye of Djinn
Reasoning - Again this was a difficult choice; in the end the Eye won entirely because of its subtitle, 'vessel of good and evil'. Though I think it could easily be argued that Gordon is neither good nor evil.

The remaining cards are mostly there to describe Jason's personality, including the basic weaknesses :D

Well - if you're a fan of HWFWM, what do you think? Are there cards that better fit the effects of Jason's powers, or would you have tried something completely different? :O Let me know!


Apr 01, 2021 LivefromBenefitSt · 1049

This is a very silly deck, but I am in awe of the way the card list goes on forever....

Apr 01, 2021 Prinny_wizzard · 251

It does, doesn't it ^^;

I don't imagine I'll take this deck for a spin, I'm not convinced it'll actually function all that well. But maybe, if I get bored... I'll see how badly Asano does against an Outer God ;)