Blessed Bill: William Yorick is the Sun's Favorite

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dalinar_kholin · 11

Hi there!

This is an evolving concept for a William Yorick deck based on continuously recycling Favor of the Sun and combining it with Ancient Covenant and Beloved to avoid the chaos bag.

I'm sure someone clever will come up with an even better way to break this combo, and I'm looking forward to it.

The 'Combo'

Favor of the Sun can be combined with Beloved or with Ancient Covenant to pass either any test (former) or just about any test (latter). This is good, but not repeatable for most investigators. William Yorick is different. William's ability lets you bring it back for a continuous stream of guaranteed 3-damage shots from his trusty .35 Winchester. Not bad!

If people like this deck, I'll iterate a bit more and see if it needs some better balancing after playtesting.



Jul 14, 2021 Zamomin · 39

I very much like the core combo of this deck. How would the 0 XP precursor to this deck look like?