There, in the Middle of the Circle she stands

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lord Triloth · 1947

Searching, seeking,

With just one touch of her trembling hand

the answer will be found.



Edit: Changed a misunderstood ruling on Sophist. Probably replace a Sophist with a second Milan.


After a longer hiatus I return with this banger of a deck. The idea is the use secret/charge cards to great effect on action cards like Eon Chart/Close the Circle.


Role: Main cluever, through plenty of actions and PMP'ed Deduction.

Resources/Cards: Satisfying at LVL0, but excellent later on, as Old Book gets upgraded.

Encounter Protection: Decent, with cycled Protection cards and PoP. Will is also doable

Horror/Damage: Actual colony of soak, plus occasional heal from Student.

Difficulty: Pretty complicated to perfectly pilot, but very learnable.




4xp Miskatonic Funding: If you feel lucky, you can also take this later, but as the deck functions pretty well at LVL0, this just makes your hands much more playable (stacking boosts, having more soak on the board, using multiple allies' effects).

6xp 2x Old Book(3): An excellent card, especially for Daisy. Gives you more resources and plays for your free Tome action. Synergizes well with your action engines and is also secret based.

6xp Promise -> 1x Adriane’s Twine & Upgraded Chart(4) : The most powerful combo of the EotE expansion imo and kind of the Seeker Meta at the moment. Two more actions per turn are super strong in any deck. In addition to that Twine is a Secret Card, although it will probably only be used to refill Chart.

2xp Jeremiah -> Whitton(2): Another static will for CtC and more search.

2xp Calling in Favors -> Protecting the Anirniq: Does what calling does, with being able to replay allies. It doesn’t search, but it’s fast, which plays a lot into the deck. Depending on the situation you can also go for the plain draw though.

Total of 20 exp


Later on:


This deck doesn’t have a huge end game plan, but the card pool these days just has so many cards that slightly increase you power that you can still have exp to spend.


2xp Ward(2): more team support

6xp 2x Deduction(2)/1x Perception(2): More PMP value and just generally great cards.

6xp 2x Studious: Makes drawing Old Book very easy and increases consistency in general.

5xp Promise -> Eye of Truth: More encounter protection and no curse for the same effect.

4xp Observed: New card which is generally pretty good, though very RNG dependent.

4xp Mind Over Matter(2): Not the best upgrade, because you can’t commit to it, but you might be high enough anyway. Slight additive synergy with Circle, if you replace your other skill with will.


Gameplan & WinCon



  1. Old Book/Research Librarian

  2. Eon Chart/Twine/Circles

  3. PMP

Old Book + Tutor are pretty obvious here; your engines are very nice to have and PMP is also great for early game tempo. Everything else (even Ward/Deny) should be Mulligan'd, cause after Old book everything else kinda gets drawn.


This deck is a deck after my style, where every card fulfills a good purpose, or even multiple, which works very well in the seeker idea of a lean and fast gameplay. Its core is very secret/charge heavy, which is an archetype that just needed a good low-level target to become viable.

The game plan of this deck is to get your Old Book out and start digging out you action engines as quick as possible to get to a maximum of 7 actions every turn. From there on you can use PMP, Revelations and various static boosts you keep you running.

The highlight here is Close the Circle. Seeming like a synergy card, it is just used as an excellent charge sink in this deck. It comes into play with 2-4 charges (Daisy herself + Eon Chart + Student), which is not bad at all, especially with Old Book(3). What it does though, is making every Enraptured a Quick Thinking that can be tutored and replayed.

With all your engines set up, they can kind of win you the game on their own, but you have a few tech cards to keep you from dangerous situations (more of them later), but choose their usage wisely (meaning mainly on dmg encounter cards).

You have the seeker ally colony in front of you, for any Soak you need and an occasional heal from Student. Funding of course has the downside of not being able to assign multiple points of Horror/Dmg to them, but single instances are much more common, and your sanity is pretty high anyway, so soaking dmg is the main concern.


Economy & Consistency


Most of your consistency comes from a single card. Old Book of Lore. Both economy and consistency wise, this card can carry you the game. Especially when you have multiple ways of filling it back up.

You basically have three copies of it in your deck, with Librarian being able to tutor it, making it pretty likely to see it in your opening hand in most of your games. There’s also a nice interaction, where your Librarian basically plays for 0-cost, as he triggers a Revelation.

This basically means you need to run a minimal amount of economy in deck, but on the other hand it allows you to play another really, really strong card, namely Astounding Revelation. Any card that reads as fast, gain 2 resources, should be a consideration. Plus, it has even secret synergy and provides three thinning and sets up a better Quantum Flux. What a card.


Encounter Protection


A fast and efficient playstyle (as we know it from rogues), allows you to cut down a bit on encounter protection, as you can just out-speed most of the threats the scenario poses. In the Thick plays well into this.

As has been meta in most Daisy decks in the past, this deck also runs one-offs of both Deny and Ward, as kind of cure-alls against the biggest threat. This of course rewards knowing the most threatening cards in the deck, and not using it on Ancient Evils, because time shouldn’t be a problem.

(I can see doubling up on Ward(2) in higher player counts, for more team support.)

Her will of 5 is also nothing to scoff at. It should make you fairly resilient against fail-by treacheries. Promise of Power can also help against bigger tests, and you also have the option to play it twice.

Medical Student also goes a long way here, as it gives you even another level of heal.


Card Choices & Considerations


Hawk-Eye: A generally good card that gives you another static boost, plus Close the Circle benefits, if you want to use your will. With Whitton you can go up to 5. Then the sanity boost is a nice add-on.

Dr. Milan: Still just a strong LVL0 choice with a Miskatonic Trait. It helps you investigate and rewards you for doing so. It also helps with early campaign economy and funding for Twine.

Mind Over Matter: Most decks like to include an option for doing something outside of their role. These days you have the option between MeGotPlan, Invocation & MoM. I choose MoM here, because of the synergy it offers with Circle.

Quantum Flux: This card is a bit of a hot take, but it was Sean for MB who warmed me on this one. It plays into Daisy’s filtered draw with Old Book and PMP, making your discard pile very strong, and your deck weak, which is exactly what you want with this card. Additionally, it can work as a sort of economy card, by refilling your Revelations. In practice, it means more skills and more PMP’s, which means more skills. And honestly, Enraptured is so good, that you should try to play it as often as possible.

Thick of it: Not much to say, but still worth the mention. One of my favourite new cards, as it makes so many more deck stronger at LVL0. It lets you run all your engines at LVL0 already, and the two horror you take don’t really impact you much.

Necronomicon: A quite mild weakness, even though it can nock out your Old Book. It takes a bit of time to remove, but if you’re set up properly it shouldn’t be as bad. If you’re not setup, just remove your camera. There’s a consideration to play Tote Bag to stop this from happening. Especially if it’s free and fast from Old Book.


Sign Magick/Familiar Spirit: With Twine you can only have one Circle in play at the time. This is not really a problem, because you can just not refill it and replace it, but you might want to increase your ceiling. Hard to fit though, probably requires a Charisma or making your Camera a Death.

Antiquary: Another option, if you want to boost your CtC tests. Also helps with funding and makes the 3 on circle more consistent when played out. All these are considerations, but it just feels much smoother to just play it for the extra investigate and MoM an actually good card.

Necronomicon(5) & Library Docent: A versatile combo that also supports your Old Book. The idea here is also that you have a big stack that you can spend with Sophist.




Thanks a lot for reading. I hope you enjoy this deck as much as I did.

For any comments & questions, feel free to ask here or in Discord (@Triloth).


Feb 01, 2022 tiffany · 1

The deck concept is good, but you're misunderstanding Sophist. Sophist cannot convert charges into secrets nor secrets into charges. Sophist + Eon Chart works as you intend, so does Enraptured + Close the Circle, but no, Close the Circle doesn't work with Sophist since you're not running any other charged assets.

"This is also the reason for the double Sophist inclusion. That card is pretty insane with Close the Circle."

"The idea is the use secret/charge converters to great effect on secret -> action cards like Eon Chart/Close the Circle."

Feb 01, 2022 Lord Triloth · 1947

Thanks for pointing that out, I had totally missed that.

I‘m not sure it means very much for the deck though. Sophist is still very strong in this deck, because of the whole secret/charge idea. I‘m not sure if it still warants a two of though.