Blessed 21-card Zoey

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DerBK · 1879

This is a Zoey deck that i am playing alongside a Minh through Carcosa right now. Just got Phantom of Truth done, moving into Pallid Mask now.

This deck is built to maximize Blessed Blade. Thanks to an abundance of blesses and the ability to pull them from thin air with Nkosi and Favor, she swings the blade at a reliable 2 damage and more often than you'd think, Blessing of Isis kicks in to let her Elder Sign ability knock it up to 3 damage. Machete is there as a backup option, but so far Blessed Blade basically did all the work.

Effectively this is a 21 card deck, thanks to Underworld Support reducing the deck size to 25 and Stick to the Plan pulling out another four (Astounding Revelation, Emergency Cache, Prepared for the Worst, Toe to Toe). Despite being Highlander, this means that that the deck is very consistent. Even if you miss the Blessed Blade on your mulligan, you get to use Prepared for the Worst for another 9/16 chance to get it on turn 1. So far, i have played the Blade on turn 1 every time. Backpack is in the deck as a last resort as well, but so far it hasn't been needed.

The next two upgrades are going to be a copy of Charisma and Relic Hunter, so i can keep both of my allies and both of my accessories in play. All of those four cards are amazing and having to chose one over the other is a bit painful.

So yeah, this deck isn't going to win any prices with the "Just play Hammer" crowd, but as an experiment to make Blessed Blade tick, it's been a huge success. I'm quite happy about the performance of the deck.