Tommy Muldoon: RGM Abuse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

m m · 14

Deck Summary: The goal of the deck is to replay RGM over and over again by thinning the deck down to one or two cards, then use Spirit of Humanity/Solemn Vow/Enemies/the encounter deck (remember that there is a player window at the end of the mythos phase - before the RGM would be discarded). With this, Tommy will be at base skill 6 for majority of turns and generate roughly 4 net resources at a time (not including upkeep), as well as bless tokens.

Spirit of Humanity is actually the true hero of the deck, as the RGM may not always be easily defeated. When RGM cannot be safely defeated, use Spirit of Humanity/Solemn Vow to defeat the composures (fast to play!) or Leather Coat/Cherished Keepsake/Tetsuo Mori to be reshuffled into the deck. Note that you cannot reshuffle cards into an empty deck, so keeping the deck at 1/2 cards is required for the combo to work.

The excess resources from Tommy's ability (always trigger the ability) can fuel non RGM turns via Keen Eye or Plucky to help investigate or aid in combat/put on Becky.

Short Supply: Tommy has a lack of strength in Card Draw. Short Supply reduces the number of cards to draw by 10, leaving only 18 cards left in the deck. As a guardian, it is ok for set-up turns to include drawing to help thin the deck.

Any items discarded by Short Supply can be recurred using Tetsuo Mori, any allies can be recurred with a Chance Encounter (make sure to defeat the ally on the same turn played). Spirit of Humanity can only be recurred with Resourceful, so it is important to seek those cards out in the mulligan.

The chances of Short Supply discarding 5/6 of 2 spirit of humanities, 2 Resourcefuls, and 2 scrounge for supplies (for the Resourcefuls) are extremely low, making this set-up pretty consistent.

Weakness mitigation: Keep 1 damage on Leather coat or Cherished Keepsake to deal with Rookie Mistake so that the weakness can be discarded once and for all to not ruin any card draw.

Mulligan Priority: Hard Mulligan for Resourceful and Spirit of Humanity.

Upgrade Path: 2x Spirit of Humanity (4xp)

Then based on remaining XP: 2x Combat Training (3xp x 2) 2x RGM (5xp x 2)

Once the above is completed: 1x Ancient Covenant (2xp) 1x Keen Eye (3xp)

Additional cards to consider: Holy Spear - damage output payoff for bless generation 2nd Plucky - Additional fast protection to keep the deck above 0. Vicious Blow (2xp) - More Damage Relentless - Early Card Draw, Can be used later without triggering card draw Charisma

It is not necessary to upgrade A Chance Encounter (will make Allies more expensive) or Lucky! (irrefusable card draw).