Zero difficulty Patrice (29xp)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

robnixilis · 29

Flex deck, leaning towards clue gathering, using the new suite of cards from Scarlet Keys built for a machinations standalone.

Using exploit weakness, spectral razor and explosive ward for enemy management.

Using shed a light, old keyring and flashlight for clues.

Flashlight (3), gumption and old keyring were the main tools for reducing tests. When reducing difficulty isn't possible, overcommit any excess cards or use cornered to boost skill values to reasonable levels.

Grizzled, naming monster and hazard, was customised to return to hand whenever an enemy is drawn, whether it was used previously or discarded at the end of the round.

Scavenging (2) regularly is able to be triggered by reducing the shroud to 0 or by overcommitting and not only returns discarded items back to hand but also gives the action needed to replay to save them being discarded at the end of the round.

Spare cards unused at the end of the round can be used by idol of Xanatos to prevent damage from enemies in the enemy phase, or at the start of the round if mythos causes damage or horror if you're unlikely to need them in the investigation phase.