Fence Finn, King of Illiciticity

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KakuRainbow · 96

Finn deck utilising Underworld Market and Fence for cheap fast and consistent illiciticity.

Throughout the scenario, using disguise to evade trickier enemies, and utilising lockpicks and the thieves kit to confidently get clues. Lola Santiago, Track Shoes, and events on Crystallizer of Dreams boosting your feet for these tests.

Chicago Typewriter is included because you can play it fast to help your team deal with a particularly tough enemy or the boss enemy. And the hidden pocket on your shoes will mean you can still be using a lockpicks of thieves kit to make clues easier. Quick Thinking will let us perform an evade and two attacks at base 7 each against a boss monster.

Upgrades include Fence and Underworld Market. Ideally you draw a Fence in the first or second trigger of UM, and start saving actions or resources. Once Fence is down, you can wait for the second one before you start playing your assets in hand for more value. And you're covered with the first Fence making those useful assets fast, so you don't need to 'pre-play' them in preparation for an enemy appearing.

Waylay is some spicy tech for dealing with enemies that your fighters are struggling to deal with.