Blessed are the meek.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

cabalpaxiarch · 67

Yeah ok, the crazy Mateo guy is back with another deck. What can I say? I have a type.

Honestly it baffles me that people think of Father Mateo as one of the weakest mystics. He can do anything a regular mystic can do PLUS he has all that juicy blessed pool. Anyhoo.... With Hemlock Vale adding some new, interesting blessed cards I figured it was time to give the good father another go.

The core consept of this deck is tried and true. Ancient covenant with a bunch of blessed tokens is essentially an auto-succeed and with favor of the sun it's literally an autosucceed. Favor of the Sun has become a bit of an obsession of mine lately. It literally can be read as "get 3 free auto-successes, no questions asked" (between the covenant, Beloved, Olive McBride & Nkosi Mabati... etc).

Then, on top of that, you can use blessing of Isis for extra value and to keep those tokens in the bag. I would also consider asking a teammate to include a sacred covenant in one of their upgrades. It really helps economize all those blessed tokens. Forgiveness ain't cheap after all. Just ask the Pope.

The rest of the deck is pretty simple. A bunch of ways to add blessed tokens, some economy and some tools to be usefull throughout the game. Shrivelling will get the job done efficiently as always. Blessed blade may seem weak with only 2 punch but think of it as a swiss knife. It may be situational but the bigger variety of situations occur the better it gets. It's a decent way to add blessed tokens while trying to get through a single hit here and there, but then with the covenant/favor of the sun combo it's a guaranteed two-hit (plus Olive, plus Mabati, plus promise of power... etc etc). I'm not saying it's gonna take down any biggies, but you'll see, it will be more usefull than it seems. And you can always switch it up once your blessed economy becomes more consistent.

As for the Upgrade path it's quite flexible. The second favor of the sun and blessing of Isis are obviously a priority. After that it's up to you how you want to proceed. You can go Mabati+Charisma, or Rite of equilibrium+Harmony restored. Then there's a bunch of utility options like Eucastrophe and Watchful peace. The world is your oyster, go for whatever suits your style, group and campaign needs. And have fun.

PS: Does anyone know of a way you can recur favor of the sun? I can't think of anything in Father Mateo's pool. No scavenging for him unfortunately (sad but appropriate I suppose).


Feb 21, 2024 Svyatoslav28 · 37

Mateo can Recur Favors of the sun with Shrine of the Moirai. It's level 3 survivor blessed card, just in a reach of his deckbuilding. Nice deck btw

Feb 21, 2024 cabalpaxiarch · 67

Wow... thanks. I'd consider that an auto-include in this deck for sure. Maybe even in the paradoxical covenant deck though perhaps just as a one of. Not sure. But in this deck absolutely. Thanks for the tip.