Rita Tricks her Foes with Survival Techniques

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Rita Young, (Mostly Humane) Monster Zookeeper 5 1 0 1.0
Rita, Bewitching Survivalist (Now with Primer!) 29 16 8 1.0

vercingix · 174

Hi all,

This is a Rita deck, heavily inspired by Valentin1331's 30k series deck, but updated for Hemlock Vale.

This deck has 2 main engines. One is Trick based. Use Bewitching to pull aside key cards (I'd recommend Dirty Fighting, Easy Mark, and your choice of Sweeping Kick or False Surrender), and Crafty to pay for your tricks and tools.

The other engine is Survival Technique, which combos with Pitchfork (cast repeatedly and buff with Crafty), Makeshift Trap (can cast repeatedly for -1 enemy Fight/Evade, plus one damage ticks thanks to Poisonous), and Shrine of the Moirai (repeatable recursion).

This deck is still a work in progress, so tips/advice would be welcome!

[EDIT] Please ignore the messy side deck, just some ideas I was playing with.