Backpack full of Bandages

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Redwardian · 10

4 player Forgoteen Age Run.

Vincent Lee focusing on a support role and recurring Bandages. Pairing with Parallel Agnes Baker and helping her stay healthy.

Venturer carries extra bandages for me. Backpack carries more extra bandages. Schoffner's Catalouge lets me order more bandages. Cleaning Kit lets me wash my bandages. All my other assets are just cheap items to take advantage of synergy with Backpack/Schoffner's/Geared Up.

Crack the Case and Emergency Cache for more economy, Cache is also a backpack target. Map the Area is thematic to Forgotten Age but not really this deck.

Practice Makes Perfect along with a skill package of Deduction, Perception, Analysis is rounding out my clue grabbing potential. Resourceful is really just extra copies of bandages.

xp cards: Surgical Kit is cheap, slotless, and can double the effectiveness of Bandages or provide horror healing and card draw.

Well Maintained is a simple way to recur bandages.

Scavenging is a more complex way to recur bandages, if an investigate can be passed by 2.

Professor William Webb(2) can potentially get back bandages 3 times as opposed to Tetsuo's 1.

After playing the first Egyptian scenario, and Untamed Wilds, the deck feels all right. I had trouble accessing Bandages after I lost my first copy fighting a big monster with bonesaw in Untamed Wilds with my team no where to help, and didn't find the second copy or Resourceful until the bottom 5 cards of my deck. Without bandages I'm not really a character so I need to be mindful of that and preserve them at all costs.