The Dunwich Legacy Starter Deck: Zoey Samaras, the Chef

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
The Dunwich Legacy Kevins Deck: Zoey Samaras, the Chef 0 0 0 1.0

orvilee · 749

Sample Starter Decks from Fantasy Flight Player Resources

Zoey is a straightforward monster hunter who excels at engaging and dispatching enemies. As her ability rewards you for engaging enemies, you should be able to maintain a steady stream of resources simply by hunting down monsters. Use these resources to play weapons and allies that can help you stay alive and defeat even the toughest of foes.

Since you want to engage enemies whenever possible, Taunt is your best friend. Use it to engage Aloof enemies without spending an action, or to engage enemies that are threatening other investigators. Once you have Zoey's Cross in play, you can forego the extra resources from Zoey’s ability in exchange for automatic damage, which is almost always better.

While your high willpower allows you to resist many of the effects the encounter deck will throw your way, this deck also contains a few other ways for you to make use of your willpower. Rite of Seeking allows you to investigate with your willpower, while Blinding Light allows you to evade using your willpower (and do some damage). Finally, Holy Rosary boosts your willpower and shores up one of Zoey’s weaknesses—her sanity.

Speaking of sanity, should you feel the need to Smite the Wicked, it is important to consider how far away the newly-spawned enemy is, and how tough it is to fight. An easy-to-kill enemy that is also nearby should absolutely be a priority. But be careful of biting off more than you can chew—trying to smite a dangerous enemy may end up costing you, in the end.