The Father Mateo Mysteries

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ahmose · 1

The deck is focuses on the manipulation of the chaos bag and do some additional support job.

Most cases you want to follow a fighter in your group for Binder's Jar to get out 2 monsters from the encounter deck. Also other supoort cards in the deck works for only investigators at your location.

There are 2 filler support card, Healing Words for som healing and Scroll of Prophecies for drawing cards.

Prophetic is your resource motor for 13 cards, 2 arcane assets and almost all the events.

Main goal is to seal the with the Seal of the Seventh Sign. Combined with The Chtonian Stone to seal another symbol to maintain the Seal longer. With Winds of Power and Enraptured usually you want to strengten the Seal. Also the Eldritch Inspiration and Counterspell can help to maintain the Seal.

Nkosi protects the party from harsher symbols but in the end it still weakens the Seal.

Alter Fate is to help clear some treacheries and Stargazing is to lessen the strength of the encounter deck.

With Prescient you able to return most of your cards from your discard, and with Nkosi symbol is a 100% guess.