Ashcan Pete: The Resourceful Roamer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
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YoureNoDaisy · 2

Ashcan Pete: The Resourceful Roamer

Key Combos and Strategies

  1. Duke and Old Keyring:

Use Duke to investigate with a base skill of 4. Exhausting Old Keyring before the investigation will reduce the shroud by 2, increasing your chances of success.

Scavenging after a successful investigation allows you to retrieve valuable Item cards from your discard pile, potentially retrieving a Fire Axe or Flashlight.

  1. Fire Axe and Dark Horse:

Fire Axe deals +1 damage during your fight if you have no resources, making it a powerful weapon.

With Dark Horse active, you gain +1 to all your skills while having no resources, making your fighting and investigating more effective.

  1. Aquinnah and Talisman of Protection:

Aquinnah can redirect damage from attacks, providing a layer of protection. Combine her with Talisman of Protection to mitigate damage or horror, ensuring you can stay in the game longer.

Use Earthly Serenity in tandem with Aquinnah to heal damage or horror as you succeed on skill tests.

  1. Scavenging and True Survivor:

After using Scavenging, if you find valuable Items like Rabbit's Foot or Fire Axe, you can use True Survivor to return multiple Innate skills from your discard pile to your hand, helping to fuel your next turns.

  1. Ward of Protection and Impromptu Barrier:

Use Ward of Protection to cancel a treachery card that might hurt your game plan. Pair this with Impromptu Barrier to deal with enemies while avoiding their attacks.

  1. Favor of the Sun and Ancient Covenant:

Use Favor of the Sun to mitigate chaos token effects while you have tokens sealed on it. With Ancient Covenant, you can ignore the effects of chaos tokens during tests, enhancing your stability.

  1. Emergency Cache and Resourceful:

Use Emergency Cache to gain resources early in the game. Follow this with Resourceful to get back your Emergency Cache or other key skills, ensuring you maintain a healthy resource pool.

  1. Schoffner's Catalogue:

Use this to generate resources for Item assets at your location, ensuring you can play multiple Items without sacrificing your resources. It works well with Dark Horse and can support others as well.

General Tips for Playing the Deck

Resource Management: Since you can opt not to gain resources with Dark Horse, plan when to go resourceless to take advantage of your boosts.

Investigation Strategy: Prioritize investigating locations with clues early. Use Flashlight to reduce shroud or Duke for movement and higher investigation skill.

Mobility: Utilize Duke's movement ability to stay agile and quickly access clues or evade enemies when needed.

Healing and Damage Mitigation: Focus on using Earthly Serenity and Talisman of Protection to manage damage and horror, ensuring you can withstand enemy attacks.

Card Draw: Use cards like Lucky! and Take Heart to maintain a hand size that allows for flexibility. This helps you mitigate failed tests while drawing into critical cards.

Event Timing: Play events like “Look What I Found!” at optimal times when you can guarantee a successful investigation. Similarly, use Shed a Light in conjunction with low-difficulty investigations.