Luke Robinson - True Magic - Flex enemy management.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

techoatmeal · 15

This is a (19) experience deck with + Delve bonus experience (12) by scenario 6 = 31 total experience by Scenario 7. Make a note that I did not upgrade Shrivelling and Wither with Acrane Research here, but they would basically be maxed out at level 5 Shrivelling and level 4 Wither by now as well.

Discussion: "spell slots matter" does not feel like it has a good payoff here, with basically getting Eldritch Initiation up to a 5 card draw (can see up to 7 cards with Dream-Enhancing Serums out but then have to discard at least 2 cards). It feels like there should be a way to recur discarded cards. With a little more experience, or building with curses in mind, that recursion is available. However, this feels better than the next best card draw cards available at lvl0, which is part of the clue drop archetype. As a flex investigator this is harder to justify, because you may not be flush with clues and will have to make other cuts in your deck tech to resolve the dropping mechanic. Empty spell slots are considered a bonus to this setup with one more note about not including Explosive Ward. It just feels too expensive for not being able to damage non-elite enemies. Perhaps it can replace String of Curses but is probably campaign dependent. Luke will most likely not spend a lot of cash to get set up so may actually have the cash for dumping resources into that event. It is possible that another reason to include it would be because it allows you to discard arcane assets for 0 resources... I'm still not sure it is worth it.

The lvl 0 build does not have anything special going for it because it will not start with True Magick. Relying on the raw card draw and playing Arcane Assets to receive their benefits. Alchemical Transmutation is probably the weakest of cards and probably should not be included, but remember that we will eventually not fill the spell slots (or maybe only ever play a Wither or Dream-Enhancing Serum). Alchemical Transmutation could arguably go down to a 1 of because it is basically a reuseable Voice of Ra at this point. Once True Magick does make it into the deck then your play style changes dramatically. there are 6 fight spells available and 4 "kill" events that you can play at almost any location. Your board is considered set up with at least an asset in hand and True Magick on the board. Which is the big reason to not get rid of Research Librarian at all during upgrades. You may end up cycling the deck at least 1 time so the Librarian or an Initiate can be enough soak for that. You should almost always have a full set of cards in your hand in the later scenarios. The Sign Magick's are there to push out an empty Scroll of Prophecies and to help boost Eldritch Initiation. Wither can be kept in hand to play with the True Magic, but once you have a leveled up Sign Magick (3) then feel free to play one of them to be used as a target for that reaction ability. If you whiffed the mulligan, then there are lots of card draw options to hopefully bring you back on track.

Mouse Mask helps both in early and late game as a way to mitigate the mythos phase as well as boosting arcane fight actions. Should be able to keep it full of charges with the gate box ability. almost feels like cheating, but just playing as Luke is basically cheating.