All right Mr. FFG designer who decided I can't play anything

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

cabalpaxiarch · 132

So it turns out that Lola isn't just incapable of playing cards outside her role, she can't even activate abilities on said cards. A little excessive of a restriction if you ask me but there you have it. So my original design for her and all my dreams of powerful combos turned to dust. But then... the thought occured to me that my two main power combos (i.e. take heart-grisly totem and Summoned hound-chance encounter) don't have to be dead after all. If her main actions are fighting and investigating with mystic and survivor cards, the combos are live and all is well. So Enchanted weapons became her new best friends. I should have realized that dual class cards would be the key to such an investigator. So now she just has to switch between mystic and survivor to activate all her abilities and occasionally turn into a guardian to play bandolier or gain a few more resources.

This deck is just speculative. I'll update my findings starting with a solo run of night of the zealot just to see how well oiled the machine is. (0xp version)