Basic, Generalist Akachi for Carcosa

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Soloclue · 2563

This is a generic Akachi deck designed for a new player who will be going through Carcosa in a party of 3. This is a quick rundown of how this deck works.

This deck includes 2 copies each of the core 3 Mystic spells - Mists, Rite, and Shrivelling. With these 3, Akachi can do basically anything with Will. For that reason, we also include Holy Rosaries to buff her Will even more. Uncage the Soul helps her pay for these spells, and if she doesn't need it, she can commit it for +2 Will. Arcane Initiate is great for drawing spells. Since most of your deck is spells, you should be able to draw cards frequently with her out.

Keeping this Akachi balanced, we also include Drawn to the Flames for clues and Storm of Spirits as another damage option.

Ward of Protection will block any treacheries that we really don't want. Fearless will help counter any horror taken by Wards as well as from bad draws on Shrivelling.

Astral Travel and Fine Clothes were chosen to help with certain situations you can run into in Carcosa. They may come in handy in a pinch, but they are not as generically useful as the rest of the deck. You may find yourself switching these out with your XP purchases.

The Chthonian Stone is great if you can block a token that is particularly bad. Otherwise, you might not even care to play it. That's why it's only a 1-of. Emergency Cache can help cover the cost of playing this, or another card if you don't want to seal anything.

Now, why 2 Knives and 2 Overpowers? Akachi's base strength is 3, which is respectable. With a Knife out, she can fight at 4, and if she tosses the Knife, she fights at 5 and deals 2 damage. Honestly, that's pretty decent early on, and you may be able to save a few Shrivelling charges if you make good use of the Knife. Overpower can buff your Knife or just basic Fights. Otherwise, Overpower can be committed to help another investigator. It's good to have these defensive options available, if you don't have Shrivellings or Storms available. This is a bit of a deliberate choice to include a very simple form of power in Akachi; you can transition out of this if you pick up more combat choices like Spirit Athame, Shrivelling(3), and Shards of the Void later on. If you want to do clues instead, you can go 2 Flashlights/2 Perceptions instead, but for Akachi that's not really stronger than 2 Knives/2 Overpowers. Then, go for Rite of Seeking(4) or Arcane Insight. Generically strong choices to stay on a more hybrid track would include Seal of the Seventh Sign, Grotesque Statue, and Recall the Future.