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Цена: 4. Опыт: 2.


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John Pacer
Призрак истины #190.
Пистолет 45-го калибра


No faqs yet for this card.


(Edit: Added thoughts about Enchanted Blade and viable characters)

I was a big fan of this card.


For a brief time during Carcosa this card was alone in its niche, as a medium/high ammo gun with a respectable bonus to . You could really smack around some basic enemies and deliver Vicious Blow with this thing. It was an arguable upgrade over just a Machete but this thing shot up in stock upon the release of the taboo list.


Since those barbaric times, Timeworn Brand has been released, literally taking over the niche of 1-handed minion slaying weapon that surpasses .45 Automatic via infinite use and that brutal 1 / scenario special attack. Sure the XP cost is more then doubled but the effect also booms exponentially.

To make matters worse there's also .45 Thompson which does the minion killing specialist role even better than Timeworn Brand. While Timeworn Brand is a stronger all around combat tool, .45 Thompson can be used to blow up minions and then immediately pay for a Lightning Gun to blow up a boss. .45 Automatic does just the minion killing thing and much less efficiently then Timeworn Brand.

Finally, Enchanted Blade is a thing that exists now, and it completely takes over the niche of "sidearm / backup weapon". 1 Charge less is easily made up for by the infinite use +2 usage and the combined horror heal and card draw makes it so that Enchanted Blade totally overwrites .45 Automatic for anybody who can field 3-xp weapons.


To be more particular about what .45 Automatic brings to the table, gaining +1 to hit and Retaliation immunity is relatively fine for 2 xp, and getting 2 of them for 4 Xp isn't bad, semi- characters like "Skids" O'Toole and Diana Stanley actually ought to consider it (And I know I had fun with it in William Yorick before Timeworn Brand came out). The real issue is the card slot. Why spend 2 card slots on this weapon, when you could go big and get Timeworn Brand? Especially if you're trying to be the squad's fighter, in which case 4 shots from .45 Automatic will last little time indeed, but then if you're trying to be the fighter then why not .45 Thompson? It takes 2 hands? Then there's Timeworn Brand again! See the problem here?


.45 Automatic is not a bad card. If you want to fight and can take XP weapons, and don't want to overspend XP on the combat role and/or want to have a hand free, then thats the exact current niche that .45 Automatic fills. It's the main combat weapon for someone who doesnt intend to fight a lot. It's not bad, especially in solo, but it's kind of too-balanced to really shine.

Right now the current folk who might want to try it:

Note that only one of those decks is a .

Tsuruki23 · 2558
I quite agree with you. Thank you for taking the time to unpack the reasoning. :-) For myself, I feel the upgraded (or regular) .45 Automatic falls short because of Enchanted Blade(0) more than anything else. Enchanted Blade is 3 rescoures, 3 charges, and +2 Combat & +1 damage in a single hand slot (unlike the .45 Thompson which takes up two hand slots). This is the same 1-for-1 ratio of resources-to-uses of the .45 Automatic for the same number of hand slots, plus the Enchanted Blade is usable without any charges on it while the .45 Automatic is not. The "ignore Retaliate" bonus of the upgraded .45 Automatic is a nice benefit, yet I find it uncompelling to justify the XP cost given the presence of 0 XP weapons with similar costs, +combat, +damage, and uses. — SocialPsientist · 148
Agreed, I feel that Enchanted Blade obsoletes the .45 (let alone their upgraded counterparts). If I have the economy and hand slots to do it, I'll take the Thompson, and if I don't, I take the blade. If we get a campaign where Retaliate becomes overly frequent, I can see this making a return possibly. — StyxTBeuford · 13029
Regarding Diana: you don't need to find a retaliate enemy to trigger her ability if you use Daring. — Susumu · 372

Is it worth it?

Actually no. There are better weapons than this in the upgrade guardian store.

The only thing that this weapon can fit into a deck is if you focus on an expensive build on multiplayer and you only have a few xp to spare. Otherwise dont spent xp on this one.

Cant say i completely agree. — aramhorror · 707
I meant to add: It's a 2xp card, meaning that skids and yorrick and other guardian-offrole characters can include it. It's also not such a bad pick, if you decide mid-campaign that you need a gun. In that case the xp-cost is just +1, compared to the .32 or the regular .45. The +2 for combat is pretty okay. And the fact that the gun is good versus Melee-Resistant enemies AND enemies with retaliate is just a nice bonus if they happen to cross your path. — aramhorror · 707
I also consider this upgrade fairly meh. It may be OK on Hard/Expert in certain circumstances. It would look better if there were more melee-resistant enemies in the game. Right now there are only a couple. The big problem is that this upgrade didn't solve the major flaw of the .45, viz. 4 bullets are not nearly enough. — CaiusDrewart · 3191
Its not meant to be an upgrade to the .45. Its a card you pick when you start the game with no guns. — aramhorror · 707
It's likely more for the cross-class investigators such as Skids and Yorick. Yes, Skids get's access to the Typewriter, but that's 5 xp away in a faction that is so hungry for XP, the replacement card for Jenny is reduce xp costs of cards. So it's something to use until you can afford the typewriter. — CecilAlucardX · 10
Skids and Yorick already has access to Machete which is better than this card. This weapon only adds the retaliate bonus. Personally i wouldn't spend 4 xp (for 2 copies) while i need them for test of will, devil's luck, sure gamble etc. You have to manage your xp during campaign and this card doesnt belong to the priorities. There are great 1xp cards out there than spending 2xp to this card if you have a spare to spend before last scenario. — Uncle George the Farmer · 47717
Its a firearm and some enemies key off of non-melee traits. I also don't think this item is a x2 purchase unless you are Lola. — Myriad · 1226

Allow me to present a case for the .45.

While it is certainly, not a two handed boss killer weapon, it does have a few very specific builds that will reach for it. Most of them are out of the "Guardian" faction.

So Mark will probably go for something else.

So when is this card worth it? It probably is worth the slot if you can get multiple, efficient uses out of it OR if you really cannot manage something better.

In guardian a Sleight of Hand build out of Zoey might find slots for this card. Being able to pop a card out for those turns were you are swarmed that packs a pretty decent punch is probably worthwhile. It is also a pretty great sidearm to a two-handed weapon and Zoey can pay for the gun out of hand with her additional resource generation.

Lola also really appreciates this card and the newly spoiled level 2 Derringer. With Sleight of Hand Lola can potentially play out a selection of weapons that will allow her to "punch up" to a five fight value and reliably do +1 damage. With her 3 base fight, this is pretty huge. This combo also requires minimal role switching (as Sleight of Hand allows you to "cheat an item out and then you can role switch to that item).

Filling the role of a secondary monster hunter, Skids might also appreciate having a second, third (or fourth with the typewriter) target for his sleight of hand. "Cheating" cards like this and the derringer would allow for some fun gains in resources when combined with "Watch This!".

Finally this card is quite a decent pick for Yorrick. For one more cost than a Colt you can ignore retaliate, do an extra damage and do +1 damage. It would not be a mainstay weapon in his builds, but a firearm is always appreciated.

To conclude my case, I am going to make it clear that I am not advocating most Guardians choose this weapon OVER a shotgun or a lightning gun. Those cards are FAR, FAR more efficient. However if you are a character that can play sleight of hand and/or you are playing Extra Ammunition anyway, this card (and its sibling) might be worth a look.

Myriad · 1226
I’m always surprised when people suggest you don’t want to ‘waste exp’ on cards like this before you buy your Lightning Gun. The Lightning gun has three shots and is almost useless against most early game enemies, and only provides a marginal benefit against bosses. — Difrakt · 1317
[...] you need support for those cards like extra ammo anyway, and waiting to accrue 10exp with no upgrades can be horrendous. Cards like this are good intermediates that increase your reliability against high fight enemies while also allowing you flexibility in future scenarios. That being said you’re not getting a TON for 2exp. +1 fight is good, but honestly the best way to avoid the retaliate keyword is to not miss, (which this already helps with). I much would have preferred a 1c cost reduction in addition — Difrakt · 1317
I don't like any weapon with few uses because the main fighter should have a high combat stat can or can push himself late game. Usually the whole party helps on bosses, so even the lightning guns extra damage is not needed. — Django · 5114