Властелин Каркозы


Древний. Элитный.

Бой: 3. Здоровье: 9. Уход: 3.
Раны: –. Ужас: 2.

Добыча с наибольшим оставшимся рассудком.

Охотник. Огромный.

Если атака «Хастура» наносит вам больше ужаса, чем у вас осталось рассудка, также получите 1 рану.

Если у вас не осталось рассудка, то, атакуя «Хастура» или пытаясь уйти от него, считайте каждый вытянутый жетон , "+1," "0," или "-1" жетоном .

Stephen Somers
Туманная Каркоза #333. Туманная Каркоза #24.


No faqs yet for this card.


I am always stumped when I see this card, because as much as this cycle toys around with the players, suddenly inverting difficulty levels at the very end of the campaign seems to be mean just for the sake of being mean. Players who choose the Easy difficulty setting may cruise through the campaign only to suddenly have to deal with 10 Autofails in a bag which is quite possibly an absolute showstopper. Harsh.

ratnip · 64
I guess... make sure you have sanity remaining? I agree, I also dislike this version. — cb42 · 36
I’m fine with it. The entire scenario is designed to be mean to you when you have no sanity remaining, it doesn’t hit that hard, has Combat 3, and there are other ways to damage it besides attacking. — Death by Chocolate · 1369
If you are playing on easy and are still unable to beat the Carcosa campaign maybe it's time to reconsider your deck building discussions instead of blaming the designers! :) — Alogon · 1051
*deck building decisions — Alogon · 1051
I managed to kill him with my timeworn brand+reliable Leo in 7 rounds, while the others evaded him. — elenneth89 · 78