

Цена: 1. Опыт: 1.


Быстрое. Играйте только в свой ход.

Разыграйте свойство с актива-инструмента или оружия под своим контролем, не выплачивая 1 .

Не спускай глаз с цели.
Romana Kendelic
Пир в Хемлок-Вейл. Сыщики #30.
Зрительно-моторная координация


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: Can I use Hand-Eye Coordination to resolve the ability on Microscope without spending any actions? A: No. Hand-Eye Coordination only allows you to bypass the first cost when activating an ability on a Tool or Weapon asset. You must still pay any additional costs on that ability, which can include spending additional actions. (Feast of Hemlock Vale FAQ, February 2024)
Last updated


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