So we are talking about e.g. throwing the Necronomicon at an enemy with +3 fight and after dealing 3 dmg to it without spending 4 secrets ? And that we can do at least 2 times. Thats a very refreshing way to abuse that old thingy.
Авантюра. Экспромт.
Цена: 1.
Бой. Выберите актив-книгу под вашим контролем. У вас +X в этой атаке, где X равен напечатанной стоимости выбранного актива. При успехе вы можете автоматически уйти от атакованного врага либо после окончания этой атаки разыграть свойство или на выбранном активе, игнорируя его цену (включая 1 , если есть).

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One of thing to note in particular is that this action can be performed on an Elite enemy. The majority of the time you're going to get +2 or +3 to Fist, so it's probably best to have this card in the deck of an investigator w/3+ Fist. I'd consider 1 resource for 1 Damage & Auto-Evade a boss to be a pretty decent bang for your buck. Or inversely, 1 Damage & an action from the book of your choosing. Pretty solid for a Level 0 card in my opinion.