Скат О'Тул
Бывший заключённый



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Здоровье: 8. Рассудок: 6.

Потратьте до 3 ресурсов: Пройдите проверку с базовым значением навыка 3 против сложности, равной числу потраченных ресурсов. При успехе получите вдвое больше ресурсов, чем потратили. К этой проверке можно добавлять только и .(Не чаще 1 раза в раунд.)

: +1. Выберите в своём сбросе карту уровня 2 и ниже. Добавьте её себе на руку.

Magali Villeneuve
Всё или ничего #8.

Скат О'Тул - Оборот


Размер колоды: 25.

Возможные карты: карты Ловкача () уровня 0-5, карты удачи уровня 0-3, карты авантюры уровня 0-3, нейтральные карты уровня 0-5.

Обязательные карты (не идут в счёт размера колоды): «В бегах», «Больничные долги», 1 случайная базовая слабость.

Дополнительные возможности: Когда вы улучшаете карту удачи или авантюры, можете вместо разницы заплатить опытом полную стоимость высокоуровневой карты и оставить низкоуровневую в своей колоде (она не идёт ни в счёт размера колоды ни в счёт числа экземпляров одноимённых карт в колоде).

Скат не собирался становиться преступником. Но иногда поступить правильно значит запачкать руки. Брэд Холлинз, сокамерник Ската, каждый вечер ругался и бубнил о каких-то Древних. Скат не придавал значения этим бредням — пока не проснулся ночью оттого, что Брэд вспыхнул как спичка. Когда Ската наконец выпустили, он вернулся за ответами в Аркхэм.
Скат О'Тул
Скат О'Тул
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The parallel version of "Skids" gives him a few distinct advantages that help him stand out from other rogues:

Deck Size

His small deck size of 25 makes him much more consistent at finding important cards in his deck. Bewitching can reduce that by a further 3 cards. With Underworld Support, you can reduce it by another 5 for a final total of just 17 cards! That last one does slightly decrease consistency as you can no longer run duplicates, but significantly increases your chance of finding one-ofs, including the powerful Exceptional rogue assets.

Below are some examples of how likely you are to find specific cards in your deck based on deck size. Note that each deck is actually one card larger than listed to account for Skids' signature card.

Hard Mulligan target 30 cards --25 cards --22 cards --20 cards --17 cards
1 copy of an Exceptional card (e.g. The Red Clock) 32% 38% 43% 47% 56%
2 copies of a Build-around card (e.g. Well Connected) 55% 63% 69% †47% †56%
4 copies of two similar cards (e.g. two different weapons) 81% 88% 92% †74% †81%

These probabilities are lower because of the singleton rule

Because his small deck size is one of his strengths, his parallel back deckbuilding ability to keep additional copies of Fortune or Gambit cards can be a trap.

Gambling winnings

Skids' innate gambling ability lets him gain an inconsistent trickle of resources. The odds of gambling depend on the chaos bag contents, but generally gambling 3 vs 1 will on average net you ~0.75 resources per turn. If you boost your skill value by committing skill cards or using effects like Well Connected to get at least +2-3 skill value, you'll be netting closer to ~2.5 resources per turn. Add a Stylish Coat and you're making almost as much money as The Millionaire himself!

High Roller looks like a natural fit, but the possibility of drawing the auto-fail token and losing 3 extra resources ends up lowering the expected return in most circumstances.

You do still have to consider how bad the symbol token effects are before gambling. Failing a gambling test and losing 1 resource is okay, but failing and getting attacked by the boss is a lot more punishing.

Gambling skills

After Winifred Habbamock, Parallel Skids is the best user of the Rogue skill suite. He can commit every skill with or during any player window. This allows him to use Nimble, "Watch this!", or Manual Dexterity to move, gain resources, or draw cards at any moment, while also increasing his odds of making money.

Skids' gambling test can also be set to 0 difficulty when he needs to oversucceed at a test to trigger cards like Lucky Cigarette Case or Quick Thinking. This can also be used to create a test that other investigators can use to minimize the chances that their important skills like Resourceful are wasted.

blackjet3 · 11
Don — Django · 5070
Sorry for the cut off comment. Dont forget trick to the plan (Bewitching). For 6xp you can reduce his dick size by another 3! — Django · 5070
Good point! I updated my table to take that possibility into account. — blackjet3 · 11
@Django WHAT SIZE??!! — OnThinIce · 24
Poor Skids — Foodie_Monster · 109