The Dream-Eaters Blind Run #2A: The Search for Kadath

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
The Circle Undone Blind Run #1: The Witching Hour 11 3 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Magnificate · 1208

We’ve finished the last scenario on the straight and narrow. Aside from the addition of the scenario ally Jenny has no new cards in her deck. It does make some sense, I think. I mean, you can’t expect to learn new things inside of a dream, can you? Real dreams don’t work that way.

The Search for Kadath

Jenny forced her way into the temple. She begins the scenario with Virgil Gray in play and 1 Mental Trauma.

Pre-Mulligan Hand: Hard Knocks, Lone Wolf, Leo De Luca, "Watch this!", Perception

Opening Hand: Hard Knocks, Lone Wolf, Leo De Luca, Overpower, Enchanted Blade


  • PLAY Lone Wolf
    • It’s a near-perfect opening hand. There’re no Flashlights, but with low shroud locations there’s no immediate need for them. The map is really small, but I expect it to open up as soon as Jenny gets to the Port.
  • INVESTIGATE (-1, 1 clue from Ulthar)
    • In blind play it’s good practice never to advance or flip cards near the end of your turn. However, we’ve got one action remaining and not much to do with it. I expect the veil effects to be generally positive, but it is possible the reverse side will involve Jenny returning to the temple. I’ll risk it.
  • unveil Ulthar (end turn, Cats of Ulthar)
    • Yeah… That’s harsh. However, there’s tribute in the form of belly rubs in the story text and that’s hilarious.
  • Enemy: Cats of Ulthar & two swarm cards attack (3 damage)
  • Upkeep: draw Elusive, 6 resources total.
    • Sweet! We shall soon witness the power of non-taboo Elusive. We’ll get around two rounds-worth of actions for the price of two resources.



  • Mythos: 2/7 doom, Furtive Zoog
    • Ah, it’s a shame we didn’t encounter these guys the previous round.
  • Lone Wolf
  • EVADE (-2, exhaust Furtive Zoog)
  • PLAY Flashlight
  • INVESTIGATE with Flashlight (2 supplies left, 1 clue from Dylath-Leen)
  • unveil Dylath-Leen (1 sign of the gods total, Virgil Gray, 1 resource)
    • That’s a bit of a misplay. What I wanted to do was to reveal another location and leave, but I what I haven't kept in mind was that the advancement can only happen at the end of the round. That means Jenny will need to deal with the Zoogs again.
  • PLAY Hard Knocks
  • Enemy: Furtive Zoog readies
  • Upkeep: draw Arcane Studies, 2 resources total.
  • advance act (The Isle of Oriab)
    • Or not! No Zoogs! I’m taken aback by how well the setup instructions complement the idea of sailing to distant lands. Alas, as a player I’ve never read any of the relevant stories so these names mean nothing to me. I’ve simply picked the top option offered.



  • Mythos: 4/7 doom, Hunted by Corsairs
    • No doubt, these guys are lurking just below the horizon and waiting for our ship to leave Baharna. Nicely thematic. I would have Jenny ignore them if not for the cat scratches suffered earlier. On that note… days and weeks have passed. It’d definitely expect Jenny to heal by now.
  • Lone Wolf
  • MOVE to Mt. Ngranek
  • EVADE (+2 , commit "I'm outta here!" & "Watch this!", bid 3 resources, , discard Nightriders, 6 resources)
    • Notice that I’m committing "I'm outta here!". On maps this small getting to the Port locations shouldn’t be an issue. I hope I won’t regret it later.
  • PLAY Arcane Studies
  • INVESTIGATE with Flashlight (no supplies left, 0, 1 clue from Mt. Ngranek)
  • unveil Mt. Ngranek (2 signs of the gods total, Virgil Gray, 1 resource)
  • Upkeep: draw Drawn to the Flame, 10 resources total.
    • Wow, I’m really getting the exact cards I need and I’m able to maintain resource reserves. All is well.

Board State Reminder: 5 health, 6 sanity, 10 resources, 2 clues, 2 signs of the gods

In Play: Leo De Luca, Virgil Gray, Flashlight (0 supplies), Hard Knocks, Arcane Studies, Lone Wolf

In Hand: Enchanted Blade, Overpower, Drawn to the Flame



  • Mythos: 6/7 doom, Song of the Magah Bird
    • I like the indirect scaling to the number of players. It’s more inconvenient when that number is higher, but there are more investigators with relevant stats to work around it.
  • Lone Wolf
  • PLAY Enchanted Blade
    • Notice that I’ve had that card from the very beginning and I’m only playing it now.
  • INVESTIGATE (+2 , , 1 clue from Celephaïs)
  • unveil Celephaïs (beseeched the king)
  • Song of the Magah Bird (+1 , commit Overpower, -2, discard Song of the Magah Bird, draw Perception)
  • MOVE to Hazuth-Kleg
  • Enemy: Priest of a Thousand Masks attacks (1 horror to Virgil Gray)
    • I haven’t commented on Virgil so far. He’s tagging along with Jenny and Leo and chimes in with an idea every once in a while. He’s also capable of healing horror off himself. I’d love to add him to the team, but his mechanics are scenario-specific. It’s pretty clear something bad is going to happen to him when then the agenda advances next round or after the scenario ends.
  • Upkeep: draw Jenny's Twin .45s, 7 resources total.




Board State Reminder: 4 health, 6 sanity, 8 resources, 5 clues, 5 signs of the gods

In Play: Leo De Luca, Virgil Gray (2 horror), Enchanted Blade (2 charges), Flashlight (3 supplies), Hard Knocks, Arcane Studies, Lone Wolf

In Hand: Law of 'Ygiroth (Discord), Enchanted Blade, Jenny's Twin .45s, 2x .41 Derringer, 2x Unexpected Courage, Hard Knocks

Threat: Psychosis


  • Mythos: 4/9 doom, Tenebrous Nightgaunt
    • Persistent! Then again, despite the hunter keyword it’s yet another card that incentives evasion in this scenario.
  • Lone Wolf
  • EVADE (commit Unexpected Courage, +1, exhaust Tenebrous Nightgaunt)
  • MOVE to Hazuth-Kleg
  • MOVE to Celephaïs
  • MOVE to Serannian (discard .41 Derringer)
    • There’s Searching for Izzie on this location, but for one reason or another Jenny doesn’t feel like searching for her sister in Serannian. It’s a dream after all. Now to think about it, the same thing happened last scenario. Yup, Jenny shall entirely disregard the notion of Izzie being in the Dreamlands.
  • Enemy: Tenebrous Nightgaunt readies
  • Upkeep: draw Elusive, 11 resources total.





Great scenario in the vein of Midnight Masks and Threads of Fate, but with an added twist of being played in distinctive chunks. It’s packed with lore to the point it would be possible to spin an entire other campaign based on it. However, given the sheer variety of locations it feels like we’re only skimming the surface and I’ve got to consider that a negative. It’s problematic to assess the difficulty without knowing how evidence of Kadath factors into future scenarios, but overall it seems relatively forgiving. Doubly so for Jenny, who doesn’t mind drawing her signature weakness until the last two or three rounds. Triply so for our Jenny, who drew Elusive during her first upkeep. After the game I’ve had a look under the Skai River and it was scary. I’m making the most of my blind run.

Campaign Log:

Beyond the Gates of Sleep: Jenny parleyed with the Zoogs. The black cat shared knowledge of the Dreamlands. 0 XP, 1 Mental Trauma.

The Search for Kadath: Jenny forced her way into the temple. Virgil was captured. Randolph eluded capture. 12 XP (Horde of Night, Ilek-Vlad, Zulan-Thek, Mt. Ngranek, Nameless Ruins, Celephaïs, Serannian, Temple of Unattainable Desires, City-Which-Appears-On-No-Map, 2 bonus XP), Evidence of Kadath: 10.