Dodge Tank Wendy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Saej · 3000

An initial build of the elusive (pun intended) Dodge Tank Wendy build. Mainly built for 4 player games, Wendy will take on all the enemies and distract them while the other investigators do their thing.

Let me know what you think! Open to all constructive criticism.


Jun 26, 2017 Synisill · 794

First thing that sprang to my mind: I'm outta here is a bit contraproductive with Wendy's Amulet. Imagine you play 2x Sneak Attacks. Then you commit 1 outta here to any test. THen you play the Amulet - dang! No way to replay the Sneak Attacks then....

Jun 26, 2017 Saej · 3000

@SynisillI find I rarely play her Amulet, and I'm going to choose the Rabbit's Foot over her amulet.

Jun 26, 2017 Synisill · 794

I wouldnt mulligan for it... but from my example you can see that it can become very handy at times. Don't underestimate the power of replaying Emergency Cache, Lucky! and Sneak Attack :D But of course this is my playstyle, i don't want to convince you or such... You wanted criticism, here we go: i would advise you to exchange Im outta here with Manual Dexterity and Elusive with Sneak Attack, because it saves you the evade.

Jun 26, 2017 Synisill · 794

Dang, i overread you had it already... but Elusive is not so strong, i would replace it anyhow. Baseball Bat perhaps?

Jun 27, 2017 Myriad · 1217

As a 3-4 player veteran, I can appreciate your approach of specializing, but I think you are still over specializing. Generally, you will probably need 4-6 cards to contribute to either combat like, support or investigating. Here are a few suggestions.

First, play Backstab. You already are buffing evasion and it is a way that you can use to further mitigate threat and contribute in combat. I would slot both in, dropping a single elusive and maybe a lucky rabbits foot or a pickpocketing.

Second, I would consider Bait and Switch as it can really let you move baddies that you don't want to deal with. It is specifically for kicking someone to a location that is irrelevant and forgetting about them for a while. You will likely upgrade it into Close Call, which is far better at threat mitigation. Leather coat might be the card to cut... Or a cat and a coat.

Finally consider Quick Thinking and Liquid Courage. Liquid Courage is probably slightly better than painkillers in multiplayer as you can use the occasional action to top off others or keep yourself healthy. This suggestion is dependent on your other invesitgators as Skids hates it. Quick Thinking will often net you an action or might be able to get a seeker or guardian a bonus.

Otherwise, solid build. What xp picks were you thinking?

Jun 29, 2017 CaiusDrewart · 3093

A very fun idea! I think "Look what I found!" is such a good card that Wendy should not pass it up.

I also wonder about the Painkillers. Wendy has 7 health and if her evasion is usually successful (and it should be, with this build!) she won't be taking much damage. And she's packing Leather Coat anyway.

Finally, I'd say Manual Dexterity is better than "I'm outta here!". I would throw in 2 Guts as well, myself.

I think this deck is easily cheap enough to skip Emergency Cache.