Independent Faux Seeker Series: Zoey

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

FBones · 18717

This deck is part of a new series I'll be publishing: The Independent Faux Seekers Series.

The basic idea is that you might want to give yourself some extra challenge and play a game without any seekers (currently by far the strongest faction). The goal is to provide decks that accomplish two goals:

  • Allow a significant amount of clue finding
  • Allow the investigator to mostly take care of himself or herself

The second point means that these decks could be played solo or as an efficient part of a pair-play. Typically, it is most efficient for investigators to split up because otherwise you have to invest a lot of moves in each of you visiting all the locations.

Key notes on this deck (assuming you are playing on Hard or Expert):

  • Only use flashlight on shroud 1 or shroud 2 locations. This will mean you succeed as long as you do not .
  • Emergency Aid is primarily there to heal your Guard Dog (or an upgraded Beat Cop), allowing them to do more direct damage.
  • You do need to be careful about taking too much horror with Zoey. Plan on grabbing Charisma relatively early so you can get more horror soaking power. For the same reason, be judicious with your use of Physical Training. If possible, save some juice to help you on nasty tests that can do horror.

Aug 09, 2017 cheddargoblin · 87

What a great idea for campaign play. If I can convince my play group to agree to this idea I'd love to test the builds. Keep em coming.

Aug 09, 2017 FBones · 18717

Thanks! My wife and I are playing Pete & Zoey right now and it's going great!!