The Scooby Gang 14xp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Toastrunner · 902

A meme deck that doesn't suck? For 14xp? Zoinks!

The Gang:

"Ashcan" Pete aka Shaggy

Jessica Hyde aka Daphne

Peter Sylvestre aka Fred

Guiding Spirit aka Velma

Duke aka Scooby

Use your items, allies and skills to buff up Scooby into a consistent 6+ fight/intellect beast! Use your ability to untap him every turn for 2x uses and keep him fed with A Glimmer of Hope and any duplicates.

Crush bad chaos bag pulls with Live and Learn & Lucky!. Keep the card draw train rolling with Take Heart, Overpower & Perception.

2x Charisma lets you get the whole gang out at once and Calling in Favors finds them for you.

Once Daphne and Fred are on the scene you have a perpetual horror and damage soak!

It just gets better from here and buffing base stats really helps with Shaggy's late campaign powerlevel (his biggest weakness imo).

Level 0 version: "Look what I found!" for Guiding Spirit, Peter Sylvestre for Peter Sylvestre, Madame Labranche for Jessica Hyde.