Spellweaver Akachi

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Scrybe · 404


This deck began as an idea to use as many arcane slots as possible but I have since tweaked it to perform better.

The core principle remains the same: Get Sign Magick and Familiar Spirit into play to allow four Arcane slots. Fill those slots with a variety of spells.

Ideally, to have balance, you should have a Mists of R'lyeh, a Sixth Sense and an Azure Flame in play, with the fourth slot being a flex between additional combat (Shrivelling or a second Azure Flame), extra clueing (Clairvoyance) or extra economy (Alchemical Transmutation).


Getting a whole bunch of spell assets into play is expensive, so we need some form of additional resource generation. There are 3 main ways of doing this: Uncage the Soul, Robes of Endless Night and Alchemical Transmutation.

You should mulligan hard for at least one of these. The clue and damage spells will turn up on their own so there's (usually) no need to mulligan for them.


The workhorse of this deck is Sixth Sense. The sooner you can get it in play, the better. This should be your second target of a mulligan once an economy card is sorted.

Read the Signs and Clairvoyance are there both as backup options, and to gain some tempo on multiple clue locations.

Enemy Management

With multiple Arcane slots, you should be able to have a damage and an evade spell down. Mists of R'lyeh serves a dual purpose, also allowing some additional movement, and should be the primary choice against non-hunters.

Either Azure Flame or Shrivelling will do for damaging enemies. Save the charges for hunters and other bothersome enemies.

If you get bogged down with multiple enemies then Storm of Spirits is a good option.

Spectral Razor is there primarily for dealing with 3-health enemies.


The first upgrades should be to get better versions of some core cards. Arcane Research is important here as all our upgrades are going to be Spells.

The primary clue-getting card is Sixth Sense, so upgrading that will give a nice boost. Likewise with the main damage spell, Azure Flame.

The upgraded Robes of Endless Night is great for economy and for it's ability.

After that, picking up some high level protection like Ward of Protection or Deny Existence is a good bet.


Feb 02, 2021 zozo · 2971

This is a really fascinating concept, Scrybe! I like it a lot. I'm intrigued by how many 1-ofs there are, particularly Alchemical Concoction and Uncage the Soul, which, as you say, play an important role in economy. Do you find you're rich enough to get everything down? I wondered as well how quickly this can get set up, because it seems a lot! (I've played a similar Akachi style in multiplayer and definitely I was 'dormant' for the early game as I powered up before being able to blast everything away in my path).

Fun card that might be useful here too is Torrent of Power. Between Spirit-Speaker and Akachi's you can be rolling in spare charges and Torrent is so fun to go blasting with. I'd even like to revisit Dexter Drake with it too!

Feb 02, 2021 Scrybe · 404

I've not had any problems with resources so far. So long as I get one of the 3 economy cards in my opening hand then I'm fine. That usually allows me to fill 2 arcane slots pretty early, the 3rd (and 4th) slot can then wait until a bit later after a bit of setup.

Torrent of Power would definitely be a card I would consider now. When I originally made this deck I didn't have that card, but having played with it since I love it. It would possibly replace Guts or Unexpected Courage.

As for the 1-ofs: They are there to cover bases. Astral Travel is a favourite card of mine, but it would also be near the top of the cut list if I were to look for a replacement. Likewise with Clairvoyance, which is a nice to have for multiple clue situations, but as a solo deck is probably unnecessary.