Daredevil Winifred

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

smutcher357 · 104

This deck I put together for a 2 player Dream Eaters campaign but it might have legs as a solo effort (I've not tested that). In this guise Winifred is very much focused on teaming up with Chuck Fergus as soon as possible and having an eventful (sorry) time with the those juicy upgraded Backstab, Cheap Shot, Pilfer and Slip Away cards. The initial deck bears up fairly well with plenty of clue, evade and attach options, pretty much all built on her singularly shinning attribute - agility. And with almost every card carrying an or icon you have plenty of options to commit that extra card she so likes to do!


Mar 01, 2021 LivefromBenefitSt · 1049

I suspect that she will need a little help to get past scenario one -- do you have any complementary investigators in mind?

Mar 01, 2021 smutcher357 · 104

When I played this deck my partner was running Jacqueline @LivefromBenefitSt. Indeed it was built with 2p in mind. We did well though I remember, scooping up 13xp in that first TDE dream side scenario.