- Q: If a card such as Cheap Shot is returned to my hand, what areas am I allowed to retrieve it from? If it is shuffled into my deck, can I still return it to my hand? A: In general, unless otherwise specified, players can “return” such a card from any play area, so long as it is in an area that allows the card to be found and identified. For example, if Cheap Shot is in the discard pile or attached to another card (such as a Crystallizer of Dreams) and you are able to find it, you may return it to your hand from that area. However, if it is in a place where its position is impossible to determine (such as shuffled into your deck) or facedown in a place where you are not allowed to look at its other side (for example, as a swarm card), you would be unable to return it to your hand, and therefore that aspect of the effect would fail. Additionally, if Cheap Shot is removed from the game, unless specifically stated otherwise, no game effects can interact with it in any way until the end of the game. - FAQ, v.1.8, October 2020
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(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
By itself, this is a TERRIBLE waste of 3 XP. no discount or bonus damage and on any average result you wont be picking the card back up at all.
- Hard Knocks and it's bigger brother Hard Knocks.
- Well Connected.
- Streetwise and it's little sister, Streetwise.
- High Roller.
- Manual Dexterity and every card with icons on it.
- The Moon • XVIII and every other static boost in the cardpool
And last. but probably most importantly:
And there it is, I daresay I dont need to talk much more about why this might be a cool upgrade. Play it in a deck with other stuff that rewards you for overcommitting (Lucky Cigarette Case) and to generate Chuck value grab a heap of other Trick or tactic cards, Cheap Shot and Slip Away are obvious complements.
Nearly every can build a deck where this thing shines, only Finn Edwards (who cannot take Chuck Fergus) and Tony Morgan (with his low agility) aren't interested.
My biggest counterpoint to use Backstab is the existence of Ornate Bow, which itself is basically a Backstab on tap, but I guess you might come to the conclusion that they complement one another or that, once fully set up, a Chuck engine is WAY faster then the action intense bow.