Zoey Samaras a.ka Gordon Ramsey (Core + Dunwich cleared solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

smallbird · 21

My first solo deck ever. I just played through Core and Dunwich (no expansion yet) and I've made it through them all albeit quite bruised and battered.

I originally had x2 .45 Automatic but I regret not having Kukri instead from the start. Cheaper and gets the job done. The reason for that is also that I removed both my x2 .45 Automatic and replaced them with x2 Beat Cop a long with a Charisma upgrade.

Smoking Pipe has been replaced with x2 Moment of Respite as after The Devourer Below I had to suffer a mental trauma from leaving Smite the Wicked out and also suffering 2 from stopping the ritual that happened on the very last turn. A Drawn to the Flame in the ritual room saved me the pain of gathering the clues and then I could just dump resources on Physical Training and any card I had on my hand with to make the tests.

I got 4 cultists down on The Midnight Masks but if I had a few better cards drawn both for my hand and the encounter deck getting all 6 didn't seem so far off. I spawned my 5th and had to resign on my last turn.

Upgrading to Emergency Cache and Vicious Blow is a no-brainer.

Would love to maybe add a Lightning Gun and Bandolier for some extra power but I don't know. We'll see how it goes.