Amanda 'never fail' Sharpe

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

finley_ · 7


This is the full XP version of the Amanda deck I played through both TCU with Diana and solo Innsmouth. It was able to effortlessly beat both campaigns on hard and gather all of the flashbacks throughout Innsmouth unlocking the epilogue and failing less than 10 tests across all 8 scenarios, hence the name. I firmly believe that this could be take through any campaign solo on expert difficulty, due to the action-less, test-less damage provided by Ancient Stone, as well the ability to over succeed any test taken by committing an ungodly amount of skills to each test.

Piloting and in depth mechanics:


Hand: Ancient Stone

Arcane: Guided by the Unseen

Accessory: Grisly Totem (+Pendant of the Queen)

Ally: Mr. "Rook"


Clues: 8

Enemy management: 10 and actionless

Encounter protection: 8 (sometimes can be left slightly vulnerable.)

Draw: 10 (Easily reaches 4 or 5 plus cards a turn, frequently cycling through deck twice in a scenario.

Resources: 5, not too tight on resources, but rarely has many to spare, particularly early game.


Combat in this deck is entirely operated through the Ancient Stone, so before you can get this upgrade I wouldn't play this deck without another investigator to clean up enemies. However, when she has got the Ancient Stone, she becomes the best fighter in the game without having to spend a single action or draw any chaos tokens. This deck has 16 cards which can draw without spending a single action. At the start of every turn, Amanda gets a free draw, allowing her to spend 1 secret of the Ancient Stone to deal 1 damage to any enemy just drawn from the encounter deck, or triggered to enter play by the advancing agenda/act. She can use Mr. "Rook" and Ancestral Fear to deal 2 more damage before spending any actions, making every three health enemy in the game obsolete. And when the bigger enemies come into play, she can perform an evade test, triggering Eureka!, Guided by the Unseen, and any of the other skills that provide draw in the deck to give 3+ more cards and deal 3 more damage, a total of 6 without spending an action, and quite easily even more. But what happens when the secrets run out on your Ancient Stone? The ridiculous draw engine means you will have seen your second copy before this happens, ready to be played.


And after you have drawn all these cards, from a deck that has 28 intellect icons and 32 wild icons, you can essentially commit as many intellect icons to each investigate action, without exhausting your hand through to the insane draw engine, consistently taking skill tests 4 or 5 above the difficulty. Don't forget Amanda's own ability to repeatedly commit the same skill in one turn, allowing you to draw three cards by committing Perception 3 times, or gather 6 clues with Deduction all in a single turn.

Encounter protection and other tests:

The sheer flexibility created by this play style enables you to adapt each turn into whatever function you need to perform. Need to pass lots of willpower tests, throw a Guts underneath Amanda, need to evade a few enemies? Use Manual Dexterity or Take the Initiative. Whatever the problem, this deck has the tools to pass it with ease.

Overall this deck has quickly become the most flexible, fun and also efficient deck that I have played, and it really does feel unlimited in its potential thanks to its draw engine that never ends.


Aug 11, 2021 Django · 5032

I guess you mean Ancestral Knowledge instead of Ancestral Fear?

The good thing about it, you can choose which card you draw, so you can take a skill card if you ran out or don't have the right one. Putting Promise of Power under Amanda for 6 or more curse tokens could be a problem.